Not Alone

Jan 05, 2011 00:05

Title: Not alone
Pairing: ninja!SiHan?
Rating: PG-13
Words: 789
Summary: They were supposed to file a lawsuit together.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them obviously, only this drabble
A/N: This is just a concoction that came to mind when I read the statement SM released about the rumor of more members wanting to file a lawsuit and denying it and the involved members signing that statement. Yes, this was a long while ago. This drabble has been lying around for quite a while and finally came around to finish it -- kind of... it was supposed to be more angsty XD…

You hear them returning to the dorm. Loud voices can be heard outside the apartment.
There’s rustling for the keys and finally the ‘click’ of the lock. Light streams in from the corridor and you brace yourself, for what you don’t know and you don’t know if you want to know. You sit on the couch pulling the pillow tighter to your chest.

The door slams shut and the voices get louder. Until one particular voice silences them all and all that can be heard is a hushed silence and the shuffling of them putting away their shoes.
You can hear your heart pounding with anticipation and worry, or is it something more like fear?

Then the lights are switched on and you have to blink a few times to let your eyes adjust at the sudden brightness. Startled gasps and soft “hyung’s” leave their lips.
“Hangeng, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in China? And why were you sitting here all alone in the dark?” Looking at Leeteuk’s raised eyebrow you manage to give a small smile, but unconsciously your grip tightens around the pillow.

Slowly you look at the other members and see that they all carry questioning faces. You swallow harshly, but your mouth feels too dry while you’re willing the words out of your mouth. After a few seconds you manage a soft “Is it true?”

The others have to peak their ears to hear and Yesung’s the first to react “Hyung, it’s not like that”. Some expressions turn guilty and others start fidgeting after they realize what you are asking.

“It’s not like what?” you ask your voice a little louder than before. “Did or didn’t you guys sign that statement?!” You can feel your anger building up slowly.

And there’s no immediate answer, they all seem to be lost for words and you turn to look at all their faces one by one. You give all five of them a sharp gaze, not wanting to cower and waiting for an answer.

Leeteuk’s the first to take a step closer to you and you unconsciously push yourself a little more into they couch. He flinches when he sees your slight backing away motion. “Geng, let us explain.”

With some hesitation he tries to explain to you in the right words why they just couldn’t do what they all planned together to do. “Things are going well for us now and we don’t know what they will do when we were going to go through with it. I’m afraid that the chances will not come again for us to realize our dreams…” You close your eyes and let Leeteuk ramble on, because you know they wouldn’t have done it if they thought they had another choice. But it still hurts. You didn’t want to do this alone. No, you can’t…

Tears start to well up in your eyes and you let out a strangled sob and you can’t hold it in anymore.
“What about me?

A stunned silence permeates the room and all that can be heard is your sobbing. This is until another slam of the door is heard and you hear harsh footsteps approaching. The spot beside you is vacated for another person as you feel the couch dip again. You can feel yourself being pulled into a warm hug.

“What’s going on here?” Heechul’s harsh voice asks. He looks around the room and glares at everyone one of them, before walking towards the couch as well and putting a hand on your shoulder. You look up teary-eyed, but after looking at his tense face you turn back to the warmth that is Siwon’s embrace. The other members shuffle around and you hear a pair of feet moving closer to you. The movement draws your attention again and you look up to see Donghae kneeling in front of you. Sparkling big brown eyes are looking up at you and he takes your hands in his hands. His hands are warm.
“Hyung, you know. We will always be here for you.”
Heads are nodding all around and you look up to see everyone gathering around you enclosing you in a group hug. It’s warm, it’s your home, was your home for these years. You feel the reluctance to let go bubbling up, but you push that feeling down, because what’s done is done. Either way you cannot go on the way you were going and they know it. You can feel a bit of peace, because you know that they will forever have a place in your heart and you in theirs.

Be happy and healthy, hyung.
Don’t forget us.
Make us proud.
We’ll miss you.
We’ll always love you.


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