Planned confession

Nov 30, 2010 23:55

Title: Planned confession
Pairing: SiHan
Words: 338
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Do not own Suju
Summary: Siwon is taking Hangeng somewhere.
A/N: for 100 Suju Fanfic - prompt #096. “I like you. I like you. I like you” - Archive here

“Close your eyes”

You obediently close your eyes and the world turns black.

“Don’t peak”, he grabs your hand and guides you somewhere.

Your heart is thumping against your ribcage. You feel the anticipation growing and you are a little bit nervous, but you trust him.

“Careful, watch out for your step”, you can feel he’s leading you down some kind of a rocky path.

The wind is blowing through your hair and you can smell the fresh air around you. You hear the birds chirping above you and their wings flapping against the wind.

You actually have no idea what has gotten into your fellow band mate and sworn brother. This morning you were woken up at an ungodly hour by a little bit of shaking and a radiant smiling Siwon coming into your blurry vision. Trying to rub the sleep from your eyes, you were, to put it lightly not very pleased. It is a day off, mind you, and those don’t come around often for you. But you can never refuse him anything, him and his puppy-dog eyes and shining dimple.

So here you are, being blindly led god knows where by this eager friend of yours. Walking along, a river or a lake of some sort, because you can hear the sound of flowing water. Slowly he brings you to a stop, carefully turns you a little and tells you to open your eyes. Out of curiosity you open them immediately and while blinking a couple of times, you can’t believe the sight you see before you. A colorful flowerbed, that stretches to the horizon with the sun just rising above it, the orange glow making the warm colors stand out even more, a soft breeze blowing over the field and soft chirping of birds in the distance. The sight warms your heart, your lips can’t help but turn up in a smile, while a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.

“Hyung”, you hear him whisper in your ear, “I love you”.

#100 suju challenge; hangeng; siwon

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