FIC: Letter from Hell -Jacques Bergeret writes from prison

Jan 26, 2013 10:16

Words: 380
Captain Bergeret writes from Stapleton Gaol

Stapleton Prison , Bristol

I have come to know of your infamous letter through Mademoiselle Pellew and her most gracious mother who sent by her some sustenance for me and along with it the news of your last most infamous action.

I have asked permission of the Governor to write to you rand he has given to me his blessing since he too shares the sentiments of myself and the officers captive here .Enemies of your country here at least for the present yet there is not one officer in this prison who has sunk to actions as low as those of which you make empty boast.

You enrage yourself against your own dark soul alone for there is no creature more vile than a murderer, a deceiver and a coward all the three.

You will never see your day to gloat over Mr Hornblower - you will look up and strain to see but there will Il serait toujours un immense abîme entre vous et lui

For Mr Hornblower ,sir is en vrai, le preux chevalier in all his nature as is truly comme il faut for the Indefatigable and her gallant young men .

Who have I rejoice to tell you as others will, been rejoined now by Mr Kennedy whose acquaintance I hope I shall soon make when peace shall permit such things .He has suffered much but do not imagine you can gloat for that , for you went to your death a craven coward and in the vilest of acts ,whereas he has kept his courage in face of deprivation and horror.

He too has the mark of a true chevalier,and together with his friend,the image of chivalry.They have what you so evidently never knew and you may have forever to consider the contrast : ils sont sages, gentils et ils possèdent un grand courage morale .

You to the contrary were never fit to set foot on board that ship and the gallant Captain Pellew has sent you summarily where your true home lies.

Prison walls hold me but they will fade in the changes of war and peace and I shall be free - those which hold you will never escape.

Yours with all contempt
Jacques Bergeret

author: nodbear, character: archie kennedy, character: jack simpson, rating: gen, fanworks: fanfiction, challenge: letter from hell, character: horatio hornblower, character: edward pellew

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