Welcome Aboard!

Jan 26, 2013 21:27

We’ve been delighted to have some new folk joining the comm recently, so I thought I’d put my mods hat on (fore and aft natch) to say a proper Hello and Welcome to following_Sea!

For those who have just come aboard there’s an Introductory Thread where you can add your own post or just have a browse to get to know the crew. We also ran a fascinating Come aboard, sir thread a year or so ago, where folk explained how they’d come to Hornblower fandom.

following_Sea was set up at the end of 2009 by sarlania. Although there were still a few stalwarts regularly posting fic at that time, most of the Hornblower comms on LJ had died a death or gone into hibernation. I joined sarlania as co-mod not long after and have been keeping the comm ticking over since she stepped down to concentrate on her studies a couple of years ago. I’ve been aided and abetted in this onerous task by Captain latin_cat and a shower of the most disreputable lieutenants ever to wear the blue.

following_Sea has always welcomed folk from all corners of the fandom; bookverse, movieverse, het, gen and slash, and hopefully we can continue to do so :) We’re kinda low on rules around here, apart from the Articles of War naturally. Pretty much anything goes apart from limericks. You’re welcome to post new or old fic, recs, art, picspam, vids, screencaps, actor news, book reviews, queries, questions or whatever. Squeeing over the Hornblower actors is encouraged and squeeing over their historical counterparts is positively applauded. Items of AoS historical interest are also very welcome. If you’re wondering whether something is appropriate to post, the answer is most likely yes, but if you’re not sure, feel free to DM me anytime.

It’s a great help if you can tag your posts, but if you forget don’t worry. I try and tidy up the tags once a week or so. If you post three or more fics or artworks, or appear to be in danger of doing so, you’ll get your very own shiny new author or artist tag. Using fic headers is also very helpful to the inestimable joyful_molly who runs Age of Sail Despatches.

We try to run one organised challenge a year though sometimes real life gets in the way. We’ve had some great impromptu challenges too, including last year’s Flowery Knicker Fic challenge. If you have an idea for a challenge or fancy running one yourself, then just let us know and don't ever hesitate to kick of discussion threads.

It only remains to say, have fun and thanks to all for making following_Sea such a fab comm :)

mod's post

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