Hmmm... saddness for my bestie... and her ex boy man friend... they broke up... well... actually she broke up with him and I felt really bad for him. He's been messaging me about it... and I feel bad for him... like really bad... its just cause she needs some space... and now he's trying to make up for everything he never did... which just makes it
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So... excited cause last night I actually hung out with my bestie nic nic... I've missed her and it sucked that I didn't know anything about her boy problems until I saw something on facebook... sigh... I don't want to be that friend you know... so we talked.. and I'm happy! We just talked, watched tv, were fatty's and just had fun... and then I
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So... finals are over. That's exciting. Gotta spend the break here in San Angelo because of my job. That's cool, I'm fine with that. Running out of self pep talks and feeling kinda crazy... i think I'm driving myself insane and in some ways pushing people away that I love... I keep trying to avoid the avoiding, because that's bad... and I do that
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Haha.. .Haven't been on in like forever... feel bad about that. Oh well.. gotta start again, but this semester has been so hectic. Life thus far = sucky! I just broke my computer, have to work over the break... and calculus is kicking my ass... sigh.. cannot wait until I'm done with this semester! I must be going crazy though... and the lack of a
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So... turning my life around! Yeah! I just got my gym membership today, I contacted quite a few volunteer organizations and thus far I have three talking back to me. Hehe. Anyways, so this all seems great. I might even go work out tonight! Yeah! IDK... anyways, I kinda wish that I had someone to go with me but whatever. Just so you guys know, right
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Oh Tabby Cat, you have been a great help Always there for me when I find myself in a bind. Tabby my Tabby, you fill me with joy, you smile so sweet and words so kind!
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Okay... So I know that technically it's the next day and not really April 11th, but get over it, I'm posting for April 11th.
I actually took a lot of pictures today because there were a couple of events going on today. These were the ones that I selected and thought were the best. Hope you like them!
So... this is me in all my grunginess after
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In light of my new "addiction" (its a self-prescribed addiction) to blogging and potentially live journal.. i want to talk about new friend: Allison
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