Oct 27, 2007 15:59
You've probably seen them advertised on tv, but the Bertolli dinners in a bag are actually really good. I had "chicken parmigiana with penne" and yum. It needs a little more stirring than it says (which now reminds me of the Top Chef episode where they had to make new flavors and only CJ and Tre actually froze things separately) but still, tasty.
I also had a great time with my cousin who came to hang out while we talked about her college essays (awww) and then gossiped about nothing in particular. It was fun. Also had the added benefit of me being forced to clean the house, so I continually am impressed with how clean my room is.
I slept in abominably late today, per my Saturday usual, and never got a chance to see last night's Stargate: Atlantis, so I'll eventually have to track that down. Thursday's Supernatural will be on the CW website, because they're awesome like that. And it's Saturday, which means I can watch Torchwood, the evercontinuing saga of Captain Jack and his love triangles. XD
Also, my cat slept with me last night AND this morning. I am loved. Or at least warm.
tv: torchwood,