Feb 22, 2009 01:58
Today was an extremely good day.
I woke up at 1:00pm today. I wasn't very happy about that but I ended up making the most of my day. I worked out (to which I thank Miss. Adrienne) today. I haven't done that in a very long time, but it felt really good to do so. That one bit of exercising encouraged me to start up the ol' workout routine. I'm in the planning stages of how I can fit the gym into my very busy schedule. Tomorrow I intend to workout as well. I'm so happy I decided/was told to go workout.
My good day didn't stop there however. I had some very fun times with the guitar afterwards. Today was a very good learning/advancing day musically. I'm working out some interesting tunes/ideas in my head, and now that I've reached the skill level where I can confidently play things it is very exciting to see what I can come up with.
Later on I went road my bike to Brian and Nates house (future housemates next year/good friends). Brian acquired a drumset via craigslist after his desire to have percussion in his house. So I played around on those and they are really quite fun to use. It was addicting. Brian of course, is vastly superior having played drums since 4th grade. Everything he touches is like gold when it comes to music. I've never met a more talented individual musically. Whether it be keyboards, drums, guitar, garageband, he's just amazing with whatever he comes up with. And he grows a damn fine beard.
And now its 2:06 in the morning and I'm exhausted so i'm going to pass out now. But it was a damn fine day, although I've been slightly bored the last few hours with no one to talk to. In any case, hooray good day!