several things to celebrate on a soggy Tuesday morning

May 16, 2006 10:05

  • lj moms. and lj for moms. A couple days late with my happy mother's day wishes to all the totally awesome moms on my flist. I hope your kids appreciate just how lucky they are to have such intelligent, curious, creative, silly, thoughtful, adventurous, independent women for mothers. And I hope they appreciate too just how lucky they are to live at a time when moms can be internet fangirls. It would have made all the difference in the world if there had been lj communities in the 80's for Dragonriders of Pern fic, or Beauty and the Beast fanvids or whatever and my mother could have gone online and found a whole world of women who really got her, and shared her passions and perspectives. It would have made her life so much easier and more joy-filled and so very much less isolated. There are lots of shitty things about being alive at the beginning of the 21st century. But online fandom definitely isn't one of them. :-)
  • chocolate pudding. I made a lovely bowl of it on Sunday and I've been snagging spoonfuls whenever I pass the fridge (or better yet dipping a strawberry in the bowl and eating that) and it's really entirely awesome. I haven't eaten chocolate pudding in at least 15 years.
  • new pillows. It suddenly hit me that I've been sleeping on the same pillows for 7 years now, and that they are a little worse for the wear. So I treated myself to new ones yesterday and slept *brilliantly*! OMG so soft, and yet supportive! I can not recommend new pillows strongly enough. Your head will thank you.
  • When people with lj names like 'fluffypooh' or 'kittenpants' write rip your heart out angst fic. Especially when they write really good rip your heart out angst fic. There's just something about crying and giggling at the same time.
  • 6 Ft Under. I remember listening to an NPR interview with Alan Ball in 2001 when the show first aired, and thinking ooh, that sounds great, I must watch that show. It's taken me 5 years but I finally got around to it this past weekend. I was right. It's a really, really brilliant show. I finished the 1st season last night. I laughed. I cried. I thought about a lot of things. Are the subsequent seasons as good as the first?
  • working from home. It's 10am. I'm still in my bathrobe. Enough said. :-)

Happy Tuesday, eljay.

things that rawk

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