(no subject)

Nov 13, 2010 22:27

Hi Yuletide Writer.

You got me. I however have yet decided whether you should be discouraged or not. While I have been a Yuletide watcher for a couple years now, I have never participated (always a lurker, never a contributor), and frankly I could not be more excited, and it showing through in the most self-deprecating ways. There are quite a few things you need to know about me and my tastes as a part of the Yuletide tradition, and the fact I am incapable of writing a Yuletide letter is definitely an important one. I would apologize, but this is probably a common, understandable issue.

I am Crystal (surely names are not important; I figure it would be most useful nevertheless), a girl who is not difficult to please (please do not take this up as a challenge), reads and enjoys vast amount of genres (that does not mean I do not have my restrictions), and open to new ideas (let’s say, for example, if you had a different reading of the source material I would love to see your viewpoint written even though it might not necessarily match mine; I do however request you avoid inserting any of my squicks-more on that soon).

I like fluffy domestic fic where couples are hopelessly in love and making due with that they have; zombie alternate universes as an opportunity to explore how characters in question survive (or, rather, not; I have a feeling most of my favorite characters wouldn’t last two months) said apocalypse; and rich character studies written with the most charming dialogue, poetic narration, or both. Now, if you manage to combine all three into this weird charming domestic zombie au character study, I would at first be confused and worried. Then you would gain a fangirl for life. Is that kosher?

I do not like character bashing (even if it is a favorite past-time for some fandom members, I always fancied it as improper), noncon and dubcon (please keep everything consensual), and gratuitous violence. I know, odd for someone who likes zombie aus, but I do have my limits. Truthfully I am not the large fan of PWPs. They have a tendency to crack me up. If you do end up going the porn route, as I did not make request of any rating, please include a story of some sort.


I like. No. I love the Doctors Graystones. I have yet figured why they have such a pull over me, but they are legitimately my favorite aspect of Caprica. What I would love to see is a study of their relationship before and after the bombing and loss of their daughter. Or even a missing scene from one of the past episodes. I believe their relationship would be the most interesting to explore because, despite everything, you can tell they are in love with each other. If that is not your cup of tea, I would not mind seeing a fic in Lacy or Tamara’s point of view. Out of all the teenage characters, my heart pulls for Lacy the most. She has been pulled into a situation she never fathomed being in due to her intense survivor's guilt. It would be interesting to see how you handle her inter most thoughts if you choose to go this route. Likewise for Tamara-A if you cancel out the survivor's guilt part.


also known as loving the ladies central. I'll cop to having my preferred ships for this program, but I refuse to mention them as my primary desire is for beautiful written characters studies general fic written for either or all of these four characters that doesn't focus on who is fucking who. Okay, that's not fair as there will be major issue over the Olivia/Peter/Alternate Olivia awkward love triangle, and I am COMPLETELY TOTALLY enjoying every step and road block along the ways. But I am more interested in comparing and contrasting the two Olivias etc. So I am squarely genfic for this fandom (though relationship status can be a secondary focus) if you don't mind.


I admit I am sort of judging myself for requesting The Social Network over one of my other small beloved fandoms, but whatever. It’s Christmas, and I can do whatever I please. There is not much for me to say in regards to this fandom now that I got my first bit out of the way. I want to say you are welcomed to write whatever inspires you, though you know that is a complete lie. I would prefer a character study, but again you are welcome to do whatever you wish after that. It could be fluffy pre-film fic or extremely angsty missing scenes. Like, I legitimately do not care as long as it does not involve one of my dislikes, and I am not just saying this. Surprise me. I like surprises.


If anything, Undercovers is my happy shinny fandom. I get warm fuzzy feelings whenever I think of it, so I would love to receive domestic Bloom fic if you chose to write for this fandom. It could be a spy mission filled with fluffy domesticity. It could be a zombie alternative universe filled with fluffy domesticity. I frankly don't care as long as it ends with fluffy domesticity between Mrs and Mr Bloom as I must stress again they are my happy fandom. Please. I wouldn't also mind a fic that focused on Lizzy. Bonus points if it ended Lizzy/Leo. I don't know why I ship them hard but I do.

I have seen a few people linking other items for more background information about their tastes, so I am going to do the same. Consider this extra reading information, I guess: You are welcome to browse my Delicious account for a greater sense of what type of fic I enjoy. I have tried my hardest to keep it simple yet organized; hopefully you follow the “!”, “:')” and “❤” tags dandy. I have not been doing my best with posting my reaction thoughts, but you can find tags for all four fandoms here on Livejournal, even though whether they are useful to you or not is the actual question. However, strangely enough, I have managed to type down some serious thoughts down about The Social Network throughout my secondary tumblr. So, if you want to brave that, I wish you good luck. Sorry. This is no longer applicable.

Thanks again for making my first Yuletide merry. I vastly appreciate the effort, and I cannot wait for the reveal next month. Cheers!


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