So say we all.

Dec 01, 2010 12:02

Not only I am disappointed this program got cancelled (though, I should have expected it the moment they pushed backed then pushed forward the mid-season premiere date; hindsight is twenty/twenty), I cannot even pretend the series finale's "The Shape of Things to Come" fast foward did not pique my curiosity.

Truthfully I do not know where to begin, because I feel like these last two episodes - that I mean, 1.17 Here Be Dragons and last night's 1.18 Apotheosis - were one long ship manifesto for Daniel and Amanda disguised as the penultimate and final episodes. It hurts to say this, because I do love the Adamas and you know how I feel about Lacy and Tamara, but some days I just want to rename Caprica "The Amanda and Daniel Graystone Show". Their shared yet separate narratives were what attracted me to the show, and mhm this finale did not let me down. They were running around Caprica City trying to stop a terrorist plot while being accused of being the terrorists. Even though I kept yelling at my computer screen "Daniel, you know you are a celebrity computer program, so why are you still wearing your trademark red scarf and black coat?", they just impressed me with their resourcefulness - though it also helps they can pretty much own Caprica if they wanted to.

I had most troubles with Joseph last winter, but damn I have really grown to love him over the past eight weeks, so I am extremely disappointed that his story is completed too, and he impressed me sfm when he sought vengeance on little Willie's murder. Like, I know in reality I would not condone such actions, but urgh he was so bad ass, and I am a sucker for grieving parents, and Sam! and Evelyn! and everyone! I haven't got much to say about the Adamas right now other than I hate how criminally underused Tamara was. I know Genevieve Buechner was never made a proper series regular, but she should have had more to do other than playing Zoe's right arm for the few scenes they had together after 1.13 False Labor.

After all that, let's talk about "The Shape of Things to Come" featurette, because really. The second season would have been so brilliant after getting this "sneak peek". I find it hilarious yet very powerful how it starts with Daniel talking to Not Jay Leno about how it is important not to blur the lines between humans and machines and it ends with Amanda and Daniel revealing what I guess amounts to the first Caprican Humanoid Cylon. Like, you lot are my favorite brilliant beautiful hypocritical couple, and I am going to miss you all. I sort of hate how the only Adama family scene was focused on Baby Bill, but that makes sense since you know Bill Adama is very important in BSG. LACY. LACY. LACY. LACY. You guess, Lacy's path lead her to being the head of the monotheistic church, and urgh. It would have been beautiful to see how that happened. For the past couple weeks, it has been shown she has control over the Caprican Cylons on Gemenon, and we knew shit was about to go down, but I really did not expect her to end up there. I do not know whether to be proud or frightened.

Now Sister Clarice and Zoe. It is extremely proper for Clarice to be a high priestess for Cylons. It makes sense and it'll also explain why they are monotheists as well, though it was pretty much established in 1.01 Pilot, but mhm it is just so perfect and Zoe were there and she has a little God complex as well. It would have been so fucking interesting seeing how Zoe toed the line of being Amanda and Daniel's Avatar/Humanoid Cylon daughter and being considered God to many. I will never get over this program being cancelled. I mean, I should be glad we got a season out of it and this five minute flash forward, but knowing this was cancelled and Blood and Chrome being commissioned. I am so bitter.

Because, really, a tweet should not make me this upset. :'( Happily, I guess, the season 1.5 boxset comes out in three weeks, so I'll be able to watch these episodes on my television set sooner rather than later.

caprica, geekdom, brighter discontent

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