Five things make an almost-post

Aug 13, 2012 21:23

Notes to flesh out later, hopefully:

* Ashland Shakespeare Festival. I had a post almost complete and then everything happened and I never finished.
* aelfsciene's wedding, which was very teal!
* Yellow soup. Yellow, I say.
* Maybe write about some of the books I've been reading, though I'm mostly getting to the terribad section of the bookshelf of stuff I wasn't sure about go/stay.
* Escaping Queens

I still have almost biochemical reminders of Jack, where I keep wanting him to be lying in a sunbeam over *there* so I can go scritch him. I hadn't been really aware of how much of my brain was keeping track of him. There was someone who had their dog posted on the kennel board and we'd noticed her there but thought, "Two big bouncy shepherd mixes, and one of them a problem child? Way more of a handful than we can handle." We called even though we're not so ready yet because they need to move and can't take her... but she's more of a handful than we can handle even solo. She does sound nice, but she needs someone with lots of energy and lots of experience at training and handling doggie issues. We're probably going to look into fostering for the SPCA, as it's not as big a commitment as adoption yet lets dogs unwind in a home environment.

blah, critters

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