Summer Yellow Soup

Aug 18, 2012 19:51

We ended up making two variations around the basic proportions, because we like the starchy yet not too starchy nature with the potatoes balanced against the peppers and summer squash. Our defaults are either based around greens, tomato, or leek and potato, so this is a nice change.

Makes a considerable amount of soup; halve if not feeding an army or freezing for the future. Like most pureed soups it freezes well.


  • yellow sweet peppers, 2-3 large
  • yellow potatoes (like yukon gold), about the same volume as the peppers
  • yellow onions, 2
  • yellow summer squash such as crookneck, about twice the volume as the peppers
  • garlic, to taste (2-3 cloves at least)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • water, to just cover (chicken or veggie stock would be fine but are not necessary)
  • hot chili or cayenne (optional)
  • greens, to taste; we make things like radish greens or extra purslane vanish into this soup without compromising its yellowness (optional)
  • fresh basil (optional) or other herbs, to taste (cilantro or dill would be good, too)

Chop everything up roughly. Sautee the onions until they are golden; this step is pretty key for creating a nice flavor. Add everything else except the basil and bring to a simmer; cook until it's all soft and the potatoes come apart easily when split with a fork, about 20-30 minutes. Have at it with a stick blender or food mill to puree.

We forgot to add the basil during the cooking stage and found we liked it better that way: when I cooked it throughout the week, I added fresh basil to the pot when reheating, and then garnished with fresh leaves, for different flavors of basil. If using dry basil just add it at the beginning. You can also stir fresh herbs in at the end for a brighter flavor with less work.

food, recipe

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