
Aug 21, 2011 09:28

Missed the morning walk yesterday because I felt too ugh. I pretty much just let the critter out, fed self and critter, and slept and slept and slept. I did make it out in the evening, and Jack of course found someone with bare calves and poked them with his nose before I realized what he was up to. Luckily she liked dogs because he followed it up with a lot of leaning and snuggling. I even managed to get some dishes done when I got home, so I think the sleep day did me good.

This morning Jack let me sleep in a bit but finally started poking me. We made it out walking, and I rewarded self with some coffee, and then it rained! Seriously, rain in August? The weather has been amazingly strange this year, and the elderberry tree is more than half-dead, I think as a result. Jack doesn't mind the rain as long as his nose doesn't get wet, and we were able to wait it out under the overhang at the coffee shop. I'm feeling not bad for being out in cold damp, but still pretty tired.

blah, critters, health

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