Curse My Odious Honesty

Aug 15, 2011 22:59

I went in for my shots today and in a forthright manner told them about my wheezing last time, and then:

a) I received no shots.
b) I got a shiny new doctor's appointment to discuss lung mutiny.

Every time I have an incident, it resets the Time To End of Annoyingly Debilitating (and Slight Possibility of Deadly) Shots to another year. I am not exactly sure how far I got through this particular Last Year, but it was a nonzero number of months. I am hoping that this one doesn't count as an actual incident, but I have sinking feeling that it will.

It would be really stupid (in a Darwinian sense, even) to lie about this sort of thing, but goodness gracious do I want these shots to be done with for good. I have been on my "last year" for three years now I will be pushing four if this one resets the timer. This is very, very, old. I hereby command my immune system to cooperate.

On the plus side, since I wasn't going unconscious from the shots, aelfsciene and I got to go have super-yummy ice cream. This after she helped me make all sorts of food. And she brought me tasty GF pumpkin cookies that are unlikely to make it to the end of the week.

On the minus side, I still crashed afterwards anyhow from walking around in evil pollen. Just not as badly as I normally do from the shots, but it was still kind of a doozy. I am such a great hostess, waving goodbye from my bed as my guest lets herself out....

On the other plus side... no epinephrine or lungs were harmed in the making of today, so I will call it a victory and go to sleep.

P.S. to michele-blue: It was pluot sorbet and sweet cream ice cream. Pluot pluot pluot pluot!

people, food, rant, health

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