Foodity Food

Aug 14, 2011 22:59

This week's plan:

We're baking beans but adding some pork chops. It's sort of an odd use for pork chops but Brad doesn't like "big slabs of meat" so braising them in the beans will make them delicious in a way he likes. Otherwise we're using a bog standard Boston baked beans recipe.

We also made pork stock which will go into the beans instead of water; we had earlier gotten five pounds of good meaty pork bones and I roasted those last night and they simmered overnight. So these will be pretty porky beans. At this point they have reached the 'delicious aromas suffusing the house' stage. It's not hot here so it's not oppressive to have the oven on.

Also, tomato, potato, tomatillo, and padrone pepper soup, with cilantro. We had squash pepper soup last week but that was with dried chiles so it'll be different.

I got a big bunch of lemon basil that I'll use in the salad dressing. It's pretty lemony smelling so I hope it doesn't come out tasting like a cleaner. I'll be judicious.

Grapes are in, a seedless flavorful black grape. And we got some nectarines... and pears are in! Summer turns to fall, marked by fruit.

Our CSA meat share was a whole leg of lamb which I am frankly not sure how to cook. My mom is good at leg o' lamb (including the famous incident where the dog got one while it was cooling, he thought it was tops) so I will ask her for advice. It should keep until Christmas if we want to save it for that.

Last week we had beef and mushroom stroganoff with rice, green beans and summer squash sauteed with garlic, gorgonzola dressing on the salad, and the aforementioned winter squash/dried red pepper soup. We make the stroganoff with Greek yogurt rather than sour cream and it's still something we wanted to inhale in about twenty seconds.


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