Meal Planning Catchup

Jun 30, 2010 16:48

I am still a giant ball of flareups and sleep, and I didn't make it to the farmers market last weekend. Brad however went, yay! And we had cooked too much last week and ordered too many veggies so we actually had plenty of food leftover for this week too. Brad is doing virtually all of the cooking.

After the lasagna week we wanted to tone it down so this week we are having our go-to dal recipe, nice and spicy with ginger and garlic and tomatoes, along with quinoa. We finished off the radish green/kohlrabi/squash soup and Brad just made a new batch with gai lan and potatoes. The berries are still awesome and I've been sneaking apricot halves out of a jar of apricot and marsala compote my mom put up, mmm. And we have green salad coming out of our ears; I ordered four heads of lettuce LAST week thinking that they would be tiny little heads like I get from another farmer, and they were ginormous. Luckily they were also so fresh that they are still keeping into this week. We usually plan to eat entirely vegetarian one week out of three and this one is ahead of schedule but it definitely felt like good timing after all the wonderful but rich lasagna.

Still to cook: green beans were on sale and I bought a three pound bag, because apparently I am addicted to having the fridge full of uncooked veggies.

Brad steamed up all the extra gai lan and we need to freeze some for later; it's tasty and goes with lots of things so it will make a great bento stash component.

Accomplishments: ordered the chest freezer. Yesterday the contractor came to look at the cupboards above the fridge (they are low enough that NO modern fridges fit under them) and said they would be very easy to yoink out. So today Brad went down and wrote a check for the new fridge! His grandpa gave him some money and said to only spend it on STUFF and not invest it and that should cover the last of it; we have spent it all on appliances that have really made life easier on us. The new fridge will probably cost LOTS less to run and it is really really nice, with the freezer on the bottom and chest-of-drawers style so it keeps the cold in better, and having fridge section on top will make everything more accessible. The chest freezer will let me freeze soup and fruit to my heart's content as well as do crazy things like buy a whole lamb or a quarter steer. (Too late this year to order a steer, since they already butchered, but I want to look into getting a lamb or a goat.)

works, food

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