Not My Finest Year

Sep 10, 2010 02:37

Judging by the date of my last entry... yeah. Not a very good year at all. I have been spending way too much of it in bed. I crashed really early last night and woke up at 2 and couldn't get back to sleep, but miraculously had two brain cells and could move my hands without them hurting, so whee livejournal.

++ Still walking almost every morning. I can count missed morning walks on one hand still, since we started. Jack loves these.
-- stopped walking at night because I got too tired to get up and do it. Jack is sad about that.

++ Getting the house repainted so it won't melt in the winter rains (it was long overdue for a touchup.)
-- That basically vacuumed up all of our money and the house has been covered with painters who ring the doorbell at random times, often several times a day, for weeks and weeks; all of the daytime interruptions interact very poorly with my flareups so I feel even worse while this is going on and have been capable of even less than the already low norm.

++ Weekly meal planning means we have delicious "halfling rations" for lunch every day.
-- I have been too sick to contribute to the weekend batch cooking more than figuring out what goes into the soup; Brad has been doing 90% of the cooking and I basically stopped being able to shop alone at all; sometimes I have to give him a list and send him; sometimes I can potter down to the farmers market with him. Also very slow at putting the lunch/dinner bento together; I usually have to sit down and rest partway through.

++ Maintaining my weight. (Maybe a little on the low side, but it's been stable. I appear to be blessed with a decent metabolism as long as I control stress/boredom eating and get enough nutrients.)
-- All this bed rest and not picking yoga back up probably means I'm losing muscle and bone. One walk a day may not be enough to counteract it.

Things I like doing and am still doing:

* Online RP (in LOTRO now) which I picked up and has helped a great deal with how isolated it's been being stuck in bed. It runs on the "bedtop" so I can do it most days, though I have a lot of days when I can't.
* Having tea.
* Fooood. Our diet is still rotational vegetarian (one week out of three we eat a vegetarian main dish, and I almost always eat vegetarian for breakfast). We have discovered the wonders of "just put it all into soup" so we are getting plenty of veggies every day, both fresh in salad and in the ever-changing soup. Brad's cooking means I can eat well even during crash seasons. The "eat food that someone's great-grandparents would have eaten" diet seems to be both satisfying and interesting. (I have to go back a generation because my grandmother lived on Safeway molasses cookies, matzoh, and cola.) About the only "weird" thing we do from the great-grandparent perspective is we've cut down a lot on grains, replacing them mostly with veggies and/or legumes. Not all of those great-grandparents are *our* great-grandparents; we get a fair amount of ethnic variation. The "weird" thing we do from a modern perspective is to eat fair amounts of beef (a common food on non-vegetarian weeks), whole milk dairy, and whole eggs (all pastured). We like olive oil, but we are also not afraid of butter.
* Shopping for food: I make it to about every other weekend farmers market. Santa Cruz Local Foods has been great for keeping in touch with the seasons even when I'm so sick, because I can order from bed and then just have to go half a block to pick it up.

Things I liked doing and had to drop:

* Flickr and OCD posting of Brad's lunches. (No big loss to the world, but I liked doing it.)
* Taking pictures of anything other than lunches.
* Most of the cooking I was doing.
* Six goals in a year. Oh yeah. That. Well I did the eat better/exercise part, which was probably the most important.
* Going out to see people. Just haven't been able to, really; I only get to see people if they come by now.
* Dragon Age which was fun but I can't focus well enough to pay attention to it, nor sit in a chair on the good computer.
* Walking around downtown at times that are not foggy clammy mornings.
* Going to the farmers market on Wednesday. (I've gone a few times this year but not many.)
* Keeping my hair from being all crazy.
* Preserving food (argh insufficient tomatoes for winter).
* Playing around with my ipod. I listen to podcasts at lunch and that's about it. So much music to sort.
* Lots of other things that I've forgotten or are too embarassing to mention.

Things I really still need to do this year and have no idea how it is going to happen unless I magically feel better:

* Declutter the house.
* Get cellphones.
* Get to the doctor's office to find out if I am low vitamin D. (I don't know; I haven't seen the sun more than once a week for months. What do YOU think?)

goals, food, fun, health

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