Things to do with radish greens

Jun 12, 2010 17:15

I've been trying to use up the greens on my radishes whenever they aren't too ratty, which they aren't on spring radishes if I don't let them languish all week before getting around to them. When I bring them home, I try to take the radishes off and store them separately, which means the greens don't suck moisture out of the roots. Pesto is a pretty obvious use for these peppery but somewhat coarse greens, but they could also be tossed into other greens and steamed or otherwise used. Plain, very fresh and green leaves can be pickled in rice vinegar, salt, and sugar in Japanese style. When using them with other greens or if they are very large, I like to chop them up at least a little because of their texture.

Radish green pasta

Cleaned a bunch of odds and ends out of the crisper, too.

* Pat of butter
* 1 head young garlic (the kind that hasn't formed cloves yet, yummy, plus the green stalk), sliced
* Greens off a few spring onions, sliced
* Lettuce core, chopped small (or other veggie odds and ends: this would be a good place to use up kale or chard stems, for example.)
* Bunch of radish greens, chopped up fairly fine
* Handful of leftover gluten-free fettucine (no reason this couldn't be done with rice or quinoa or beans or spread on bread)
* Pepper to taste
* Some grated parmesan
* 1 egg

Brown the butter over medium low heat, then add the garlic, cook until it's turning gold, then add all the other greens, cook until they're softened but still bright. Stir in the pasta until it's warmed. Take everything out of the pan, mix in some parmesan and grind in some extra black pepper. Add a little more fat to the pan if necessary, and fry the egg to your preferred level of doneness. Top the pasta with the egg.

I chopped the rest of the greens up (I had two bunches) and added it to a green salad I was making, to give it a nice peppery kick.

Meal plan for the week:

* Lamb and bean stew with kohlrabi and basil. Soup made with mushrooms, new potatoes, kohlrabi greens, and baby cabbage. Mibuna sauteed with garlic. Green salad with dill dressing.
* Lasagna! Brad makes awesome lasagna. Also, summer squash and spinach or mustard green soup, and green beans. Moar green salad.

Brad's rhubarb strawberry cake came out wonderfully, and we're probably going to be eating it this weekend as our "fruit." (Coff, coff.) We also have some aprium compote. This is the last week for the apriums, so I got another batch, which I'm letting ripen fully and then I'm either going to freeze them plain or make some more compote and freeze that. There are still a few more weeks of loganberries and ollallieberries, and I'm short of freezer space, so I'll hold off on freezing those. If I get off my stick on the chest freezer I can freeze a flat or two of mixed berries. Mmm.

I also put up some brandied cherries, though I'm not sure that counts as storing fruit for the winter if they're boozy....

food, recipe

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