Good Day

Aug 16, 2009 20:33

For me at least, and I hope Brad has gotten into flow at work (he had to go in today to work on a thorny problem) so it's better for him.

Last night he was banging his head, almost literally (it was his toon's head) against portal doors because apparently WoW is full of fail that I've been unaware of due to my drought, where despite the fact that they are *instanced* and hence theoretically scalable, their instance servers are always full right now. He really really really wanted to finish his round of instance exploration and was down to Onyxia, and it took him from (way too early; I guess he started in the late afternoon or early evening?) until 1am to *get in*. Wow. He was very determined. When he did get in he ended up having to solo Ony with his paladin because the mage got et by whelps. Which made the flight phase slooooow. I needed him to put a heavy pot into the stove for him so I buttonmashed his pally for a while. Ha!

I stayed up too late too because I felt bad that I had like *six* cooking ideas yesterday and had gotten done only one, which provided lunch and dinner for me but not much more, and meanwhile ingredients were busily getting older... so I made a bigger version of the baked bean -n- meat dish, this time with scarlet runner beans, a beautiful organic bean mix that I couldn't fully ID that Teresa had gotten us (they looked like river rocks, so colorful and pretty), the last of the delectable lamb sausage from the farmer's market, and because it was the last but I wanted more meat, some lamb shoulder chops. Homemade turkey stock for the stock, since the big beans really highlight a good stock. I added a little cumin to the spice blend and I really liked the way it all came out, rich and flavorful. That went into the oven on low heat and baked all night long. I made such a big batch that I needed Brad to get it in and out of the oven!

Brad walked and got oatmeal this morning but then keerashed from the lack of sleep last night and in general all week. I went to yoga, came back, and puttered around until Chris*Teo came over. I peeked at Brad and he was still asleep; I kept peeking in on him and he finally roused enough that he could be revived with tea and food. It was lovely to see the transformation from hibernating bear back to human. Poor guy, he reminded me of me when I'm crashing!

Meanwhile we hung out and we demolished absolutely incredible amounts of fruit (Teo *loves* fruit, awesome!) and he *cleaned my back deck with a broom* and watered the one container plant I've managed to keep alive (he loooves watering cans) and talked and talked and ate and talked and in general it was all just lovely. Sadly Brad had to just peek in after he was functional and then head in to work, but they completely understand these things. Mmmm tea and food and good conversation and good people. Teo has gotten so *big*. Even in the last two days, they say! He's no longer a *baby* and definitely into *kid*, I think, very mobile and dextrous and full of logic. He also is good for seeing lots of things that I just overlook because I'm so used to them, objects that I take for granted that he knows how to turn into toys. Yay!

people, food, geek, fun

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