Weekly Check-In

Aug 18, 2009 08:37

SW: 140
CW: 126 (down 3 pounds? have elves been stealing my body mass?)
GW: 125 (recalibrating to 120-122)

Lost weight faster than I think I should have given the amount of exercise and food intake; I'm still not eating quite enough but I am not eating *that* much less. Not sure what's up with that, but I've been feeling fine so I'm not going to worry about it too much. I'm almost to my goal weight, but I'm thinking of resetting it, as I am still not entirely pleased with the proportions of my hips, thighs, and butt. I know they're capable of being smaller while I still have a reasonable amount of flesh everywhere else, so I think I'll keep going down a pound at a time until I'm happier with my proportions (probably somewhere around 120). After I get on maintainance with my weight, then I'll try to build muscle, which should be an exciting new world for me.

Despite the restricted calories, new muscles are appearing. I know I'm not supposed to be able to while losing weight, but I have muscles where I never had any before, especially core muscles in my abdomen and back, but also some small new ones in my arms and legs. The abdominal muscles really freaked me out, as I've never had visible abs before since I've never both exercised and lost weight at the same time before.

I went and bought some new yoga pants and tops to go with them; now I have yoga pants that won't fall down, woohoo!


* Three yoga classes, one power circuit.
* One and a half standing weight sessions, the power circuit class to give me a little more strength training.
* Missed two full days; Sunday because I was too tired to exercise, and then Friday because I pulled a hamstring Wednesday/Thursday and was resting it. I walked on Saturday. My cardio is still low but I feel like I can start regaining ground on it now.

Exercise goals: I've, uh, already done two yoga classes and a power circuit this week. Anything else I do this week, class-wise, is gravy. I'd like to get two strength training sessions in with machines, though if I do power circuit I tend to want to skip upper body and sometimes abs, depending on how they're feeling after the class. Last night's yoga gave an intense lower body workout so I didn't feel like I could do machines on any part of my body (I'd done power circuit in the morning.) I would like to focus on getting more regular intensive periods of cardio and I'll go to classes as is fun and convenient. I am still liking yoga best.

There has been a large fire nearby and the smoke is blowing down into town, and I feel able to do less at the gym, so I'm taking it a little easier in respect of that. (I have mild asthma so my lung capacity is probably a little impaired; I've noticed that some things I was able to do before the fire pretty well are harder now.)


The experiment with lowering my protein has been working out; I can eat 18-22% protein and feel good on it as long as I'm still getting in the 25-30% range on fat. I am still having a problem eating *enough* and am a little worried about what I'll do on maintainance. I'm just not super hungry so it's hard to eat enough throughout the day, even though my energy is good. I made something really delicious this weekend (lamb stew with beans; I adore lamb) to try to encourage more eating. I'm still eating a wide variety of food with lots of fruit and vegetables. I also got the crisper cleaned out beautifully and then promptlky refilled it with fresh vegetables that I may not cook all of. It's a cycle!

This week was better on water, though still not quite up to par. Working on it! I tend to look up at 9pm and still need three cups of water, but I know if I drink them past 9pm I will be up again at 3am, yuck. So pacing is clearly important.

Symptoms: I haven't been super rigorous, and have included eggs in several meals. Unfortunately I get the sniffles after every meal with eggs, in direct proportion to how much egg was in the food. Have also gotten them after several meals without eggs but with tomatoes, but mildly.

Food Goals: Same as last week: eat a little more food, drink a little more water, keep tracking symptoms. I can start challenging dairy if I have three symptom-free days in a row.


My thyroid medicine has gone out of stock because the maker decided it was annoying to make or something. (!) So now I have to adjust to a random generic until my new and hopefully more reliable medication stops being back-ordered for 90 days. It is probably not hypo-allergenic like my new prescription, but I just clean can't get either my old medication (which has corn starch in it) OR the new one; I also can't find out what fillers are used in the new generic. It's disturbing and annoying, because these medications are not identical, so having the pharmacy switch them up on me, or having the manufacturer just decide to stop making the old one without warning, strikes me as highly irresponsible; there can be a major adjustment period when switching new meds. So I may have problems down the line if I go hypothyroid *or* hyperthyroid as a result of the new medication.

Sleep: Still having slow waking, but it's improving incrementally. I'd like to get up and on the treadmill while using my light visor, since that would both wake me up better and help me achieve my cardio goals all at once. But I love being in the nice warm bed in the mornings. We'll see if I can start getting up.

Teeth: I hate flossing. HATE. I need to learn to at least tolerate it, and do a better job at it. The little snappy D-shaped floss holder thingies make it *possible* but I am still full of hate. However, the small pain from flossing is much less than the large pain from tooth and gum problems. I keep telling myself that.

Goals: Find out what fillers are in the random generic medication and if I can take it safely short-term while waiting for the new one. Hopefully I will not have to find a compounding pharmacy. Work on sleep, work on teeth.

(Cross-posted to healthystart.)

goals, food, health

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