In Boston

Oct 06, 2008 08:22

It feels very surreal, which is helped by the weather being a lot like home -- just about three weeks cooler and three hours earlier -- and I'm still pleased that I was able to make and execute a plan, though the execution owes everything to aelfsciene, who was able to come out with me and keep me from getting lost in strange airports, and dcltdw, who so kindly has put us up at no notice.

I am here because of this; it was the only thing I could think of to do that would help.  I am not clear-thinking enough today to really post well about suicide, but I do have to say this: if you ever consider it silently, it is better to talk about it and get help, no matter how horrible or impossible that seems, than to keep it to yourself.  It leaves a hole in everyone left behind, and that ripples out and ripples out, even to people who never knew you directly.  You touch more people than you know.

Bryant and Susan's friends and family are really amazing people.  I wish I could have met Susan in person in better circumstances, but I really am happy to have met her.  There is always good mixed in.

I wish I had had more energy yesterday (I felt like a sleepy cat) but overall my body has been good to me; I've been able to usually be awake when I want to be, which is a serious boon.  It gave me a break for the trip and I am very happy with it for that, though I do fall asleep at random times.  Silly body.

Today Angie is going to see Salem and the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, and I'm glad she gets some good solid happy memories to go along with the rest of this trip.  It's outside of my range but I'm so deeply glad she's getting to dip her feet in another ocean.  Even if it makes my feet cold just to think about it.

This is a beautiful city, I have to say, even though I won't get to explore it much on this trip.  I love all of the squares and the vitality to it and the age and the history -- even if some of that involves marshmallow fluff, which I'm pretty dubious about.  Every time I come here I love it, and then I have to remind myself that it snows here.

people, travel, thinks

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