
Sep 25, 2008 01:08

I visited the dentist today, and stopped by the grocery store on the way back, and had an Epic Six Hour Crash after that; when Brad got home I couldn't even really walk. So I'm feeling less bad about all of the crashing I've been doing every day, which has seemed vaguely inexplicable; clearly something is blooming right now that my body just hates, since I didn't stress myself out too much or trigger such a massive flareup any other way than simply driving around and doing a few light things. (I didn't get any actual dental work done, just had a consultation.)

So, oh, duh. I guess I have a few more months before I'm fit to go outside much.

Re: dental work, I caught up after an embarassing amount of neglect (don't skip the dentist for years at a time, trust me) and have only really good enamel to thank for my so far lack of root canals. But I pretty much tripled the number of fillings I already had, and needed a crown, and it's all been pretty uncomfortable. One really weird side effect is that my allergy shots make my teeth hurt wherever I've had recent dental work. The first time around they hurt for a few days and then subsided, and after the last set of shots, I had a massive teeth hurting again, and then the more recent work has been sort of aching randomly. Since the right side eventually healed, the pain on the left comes and goes instead of steadily getting worse (which would mean nerve damage), and nothing showed up on the x-ray today, we're taking a "wait and see" strategy. It's pretty bad when it's at its worse, but it's still within the realms of ibuprofen, and I don't want to get a root canal if it's something that will blow over. He says he's never heard of anyone whose teeth hurt because of allergies, but the correlation with allergy shots is really clear, and they do seem to hurt more when I'm having flareups as well. Some weird CNS byproduct I guess? Hopefully it'll clear up in a few weeks.

So, yes, I've been not doing much over the summer. I hit a brick wall in May and am just waiting for fall to really kick in. The last few weeks I tend to crash hard after eating breakfast, which is better than sleeping THROUGH breakfast time and waking up starving, but not exactly fantastic or anything. The only thing I've been keeping up with at all is WoW, and I'm pretty grateful that raiding is tailing off now as everyone prepares for the expansion.

The dogs have been more or less great, plastic bag and other stupid eating incidents aside, though I wish I could walk them more. Sadly I will have to wait until the outdoors stop making me go thud before I can do that. Moose came up clean on his last cancer checkup, which means he has one more to go before he is a free dog and back to normal risks again. His leg has healed about as well as can be expected, too. He'll always have some hairless skin and scarring there, but it's healthy now; the wound has finally healed over and though he has a habit of licking it, it's no longer irritating the scar. The back leg has a small scar but is in very good shape.

critters, health

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