Right, so.
I might have spent a bit of time thinking about this and, like, I know peoples are making entries on their own journals but I just sort of need get all this down in one place…
There are spoliers here for Emily's episode, btw, so avoid if you've yet to watch <3
This has completely fucking thrown me, guys. Honestly. I seriously thought before I saw last night’s episode that Emily was just being paranoid and that, like, she thought Naomi had cheated but she really hadn’t and just… that fucking moment that neither me, Emily or the rest of you wanted to happen happened.
It’s a little close to home that whole situation. But I won’t go into that, but I’m thinking that’s probably part of the reason I’m so angry and upset about this.
We all know the problems with motivation and whatnot because really, Skins? Naomi would actually do that? But my main issues are these:
- She lied. For ages. And Emily had to find out by herself
- I’m not sure I want Emily to take her back - and if she does, it should be after they’ve had a bit of time
It actually sort of hurts me to say that, and really, despite all my Katie/Naomi shipping I do actually LOVE Naomily. There, I’ve said it. (But you all knew anyway really, didn’t you? <3)
So now I don’t know what to think. What about you lot?
Things I LOVED in this episode:
- Katie. She just looks and sounds AMAZING. If Emily hadn’t been n-n-nearly naked then I totally would have banged Katie in this ep, but Emily just about pips her to the post for showing her arse a few times
- James. I’m not even sure I need to explain that
- Jenna saying that she made a decision without Rob and then Rob having been the one who cheated - nice Naomi and Emily parallel there and, look - THEY GOT MARRIED AND HAD LOVELY DAUGHTERS so things are looking up, right?
- Effy eating a chip. I don’t care if it sounds ridiculous, Betsy - hot girls eating potato based products are just made of win for me
- Cook smashing JJ in the face. Good. I’m pissed off with Ollie right now so he deserved a smack in the face
- That they proved me wrong - I like surprises. I could have coped with Naomi cheating if she’d a) Had a better reason (I felt trapped… but let’s move in now! Oh hai, guilty conscience!) and b) She hadn’t lied for so long, even after Emily asked her. I know that she probably thought ‘Well she’s dead now, what’s the point in telling Emily?’ but there was a lot of time before that point and, just, IDK…
- Emily. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a character harder than I love her right now. I just don’t know what I want for her any more…
So yeah. Just my thoughts. And it does hurt, honestly, because I loved Naomi too. She was special. But now I feel like everything I knew about her was a lie and that all along she’s not been confused and a bit scared like I thought but she’s just actually a massive wanker. I defended you, Naoms! And now look…
I’d like to fic my way out of this… any suggestions/thoughts/requests? I don’t know whether to do something cathartic and try to explain the fuck out of Naomi’s actions or whether to start from where we left them or what but… I just feel like I need to do something, you know?
And, also, totally OT, but did anyone watch Cook’s clip of him with his mum? Because *snort* I totally called that when I read the description of it…
I love you all, I mean it. How’s everyone doing?