Right, all.
I've basically been going mental all day thinking about all this stuff from today and, fucking hell, I'm exhausted. I've was at work for 10 hours and just needed to find a way to laugh, so
thecon12 and I started being a bit silly and came up with these...
Honestly, I am so down with the srs bsns (see this post for mine and everyone's real, angsty feelings on this
You are all awesome) and I totally get if people aren't quite ready to laugh (this stuff might not even be funny!) but if you are, please join in. I'm finding it cathartic... is that the right word? my brain is so fried today!
So anyway, in short - I am still sad but trying to find the funny. Hope you're all doing okay. <3
Spoilers for Episode 2!
Emily: Well, it should be fun. Naomi's great in the sack, isn't she Soph -- oh, wait. Where'd she go?
Naomi: I'm Naomi - I hate injustice, people tell lies about me.
Emily: But they sketch the truth, Naoms... remember that.
Scary Matt: Were you her girlfriend?
Emily: Girlfriend?! What? No! I'm not- I'm not gay! Oh, wait, sorry - wrong series.
Sophia from beyond the grave: And then we held hands (and I slipped her a roofie).
Naomi: Don't you ever wish things were simple... I mean complicated... no simple! No complicated! I - agh! *head 'splode*
Rob Fitch: Yeah, I slept with your mum's sister, so at least think yourself lucky Naomi didn't sleep with Katiekins!
Emily: *ponders*
Emily: Did you fuck her?
Naomi: No... Yes... Maybe... wait are we talking about the dead chick or the girl I was flirting with in the common room earlier? Or the one from the party later? *sigh* It's hard being so stalkable.
Emily: I'm moving in...
Naomi: Where?
Emily: Here.
Naomi: Erm, I shagged a girl who can't really draw because I'm scared of commitment. But fuck it, move in anyways, I'm sure it'll only scare the shit out of me more... Sombrero?
Naomi: You can be my pajamas.
Emily: Why, what did your last slave die of...?
Naomi: 'scuse me. This boy wants to show me his tattoo... and not in a nice way.
Cook: What, I thought you liked art?
Emily: Do you want to do blowbacks?
Naomi: No.
Emily: Why not? Have you even tried them?
Naomi: No, but being all seeing I already know they're shit and just a ploy for you to bang me oh, and FYI I also heard that they work on girls who like shoddy art and trains.
Naomi: She stalked me...
Emily: You are very stalkable.
Naomi: Yeah, but you stopped after we...
Emily: Huh?
Naomi: *coughs* Oh look! Some skanky army training stuff! Sexitimes?
Emily: *shrugging off cardigan* You had me at ‘skanky’...