Arts and Also Crafts

Feb 25, 2012 13:11

Nope, still haven't died.

I've just been busy/tired/apathetic. This was February Vacation week and I spent a good deal of it loafing and several portions of it doing arts and crafts and a lot of baking. I also took my bike out once.

But I have pictures for you! Pictures of Spider-Man a cake I made and a hairdo I hairdid.

poisonivory and I spent an evening digging through the archives of Fuck Yeah, Make Stuff! and now I'm back on a big crafting kick. Not like I ever wasn't.

Anyway, the hairdo idea came from there, and the cake came from a post on Raspberri Cupcakes. At some point I want to try making fancy sugar cookies, but that's a different day and a different blog.


Rather than make the cake from scratch, I just took a box of white cake mix and put blobs of purple food coloring in. Mr. Fleur asked why I couldn't have just used red and blue food coloring and I gave him a Look. Honestly.

Two of the cakes out of the oven. I divided the cake mix into quarters and it made for very thin, flat layers. Mr. Fleur thought this would be easier and less ginormous than full-sized cakes. Next time, I'm going with full-sized cakes. Then I can shave off the tops and even them out.

The other two cakes. I'm realizing now I didn't flip this photo. Oh well.

Exterior of the finished cake. Why yes, there are eighty gazillion nonpareils all over that cake! There are also eighty gazillion nonpareils all over my kitchen as well.

I will be sweeping these up for the rest of my life. If and when we move out of here in the future, the new owners will be sweeping these up.

Look at this fucking cake. This is four layers of purple awesomeness. My only gripe is that it's goddamn lopsided. Shouldn't have listened to Mr. Fleur.

And now, the fashion portion of our photo post. Please ignore the wadded up pair of pajamas on the bed, I didn't think they'd be in the shot.

View from the front. Ugh, my face looks gross. We should've planned this photoshoot a little better. More flattering lighting.

View from the back. Pardon the intense flash. I think it's bouncing off the thirty thousand bobbypins holding this thing up. Bobbypins and sheer willpower. This took three days' worth of attempts to get right. Solution: fuck what the blog says, do it with your hair sopping wet.

I've been working on some other stuff, including a sweater with a sleeve and a quarter left. The big project, however, I'm not at liberty to share. It's for poisonivory and she can't see it, so there.

I don't want to go back to work yet.
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