I'm Still Here

Mar 16, 2012 18:53

Hello, Livejournal.

I swear I'm not cheating on you with other blogging platforms, in spite of my insistence that one of these days, I'll get a tumblr.

I'm just lazy.

Since last we spoke, I called out sick from work when I was, in fact, bound for the emergency room. Not to worry, it was just for x-rays. I bashed my foot against the coffee table and broke my pinky toe. It still hurts.

Work has been a miserable parade of vomit, diarrhea, snot, and children who like to hurt other children. Remember this when you tell me how much you want a baby. moons_creations, consider this a warning of things to come. Hopefully not the part with the hitting and the hair-pulling, but know that boogers are in your future. So many boogers.

I have been flexing my culinary muscles but not so much my crafterly ones, though I did finish a sweater. I also bought a dressform and decided I'm going to take up quilting. Slowly.

And I'm going to see my beloved poisonivory next month. Alone. Mr. Fleur is going to have to deal without me for a few days. I'm pretty sure his diet will consist solely of takeout food and canned soup.

And that is the state of things. I have made a pizza in a cast iron skillet tonight, and I think, for once, I did it perfectly. The cheese is not burnt, and hopefully the crust is cooked all the way through.

I can never have both. It's always one or the other.
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