Shameless Gluttony

Jan 22, 2012 10:54

I've been putting that salted caramel sauce on just about everything I can get my hands on.

In part because it's delicious, but in a greater part because I put it in my liquid measuring cup and I'd like that back at some point. Should've gone with my first instinct and put it in the gravy boat.

I just made French toast in Mjolnir and put a loving spoonful of sauce over the whole thing. Unf.

I suppose I need to dig out my car today.

Also need to make some bread. Our loaf's getting low, and I promised New Co-Teacher a loaf for her birthday. If I had a little Mason jar, I'd make her some salted caramel sauce too. I'd also need to get some more cream, and that would involve leaving the house.

Speaking of the house, I really ought to clean it today.

I hate being an adult. Responsibility sucks.
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