Baby's First Baby

Jan 21, 2012 10:39

No, I'm not pregnant, so stop right there.

I made a Dutch Baby for dinner last night. OH MY GOD YOU GUYS.

What's a Dutch Baby? It's like a pancake and a crepe got together and made sweet, sweet loving in a skillet.

I used this Smitten Kitchen recipe, except I didn't think Mr. Fleur would abide by buckwheat so I just used more all-purpose flour in place of the buckwheat flour.

I even went as far as to buy a cast iron skillet for the sole purpose of making this thing. Also, it's a cast iron skillet, so if I treat it right I can pass it on in my will. I got it at Crate & Barrel yesterday afternoon, and I think I'm going to name it Mjolnir.

Seriously, guys, this was ridonkey good. I had to make the salted caramel sauce twice because I overcooked the first batch (and set off our very finicky smoke detectors in the process), but I got it right the second time. There was more than enough left over for additional applications, and since it's snowing out and I'm not going anywhere today, I'm going to use it for the most gluttonous of desserts:

A piece of chocolate chocolate chip cake with a scoop of vanilla Haagen-Daaz and a swirl of that sauce.

Fuck. Yeah.

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