Sakura, the Container of Feather Memories - aka - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle !!!

Oct 18, 2008 20:05

Hello dear Clamp fandom :D

I have not had the chance to post here for a long while so I have quite a lot of catching up to do! I must say that the successive endings of two great Tsubasa forums ( & did not help. But the true reason for my apparent absence is that I time travelled to this moment, when Tsubasa story gets even more interesting :D Therefore, in my view point, only a few minutes have passed since my last post!!! Anyway, I am back for good with new ideas to write about. Thank you very much in advance for all your comments which encourage me greatly and help me to keep posting and finding new ideas :)

Today’s topic is about the mystical title “Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle”. At first, it sounds like an odd and unusual name without any clear meaning. But as the story is developed and also after re-reading part of Clamp’s interview in Puff magazine on June 2003, its meaning is clearer. As Tsubasa stands for wings, Reservoir means storage and Chronicle designates a record, we can come up with the more straight-forward title "The storage of feather memories" which is nothing else than Sakura’s body!
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