What REALLY happened ...

May 16, 2008 00:47


Here is an outline of my general understand of Tsubasa. I have already posted the bulk part of it in the thread “Chapter 190”, but after reading Syaoran Jr’s theory and after finding other interesting details in previous chapters, I have decided to post the following in a new thread. Please note that the paragraph “From Clow to CCS dimension” are ideas of Syaoran Jr of the forum http://tsubasaforum.1.forumsvibe.com/.

Shaoran is born in TRC dimension and, probably because he was in danger, he was transferred to CCS and xxxHolic dimension when he was young. CCS Sakura and CCS Shaoran grown-ups accepted to raise him as their own child. CCS Shaoran trains young TRC Shaoran because he knew this preparation would be essential for him later. When time comes, CCS adoptive parents send young TRC Shaoran to Yuuko.

Shaoran arrives to Yuuko's shop to travel the dimensions. He reaches Clow country. There, he meets Sakura 7 days before her seventh birthday. He also met Sakura's mother, Nadeshiko, and Sakura's father, Fujitaka. He is surprised by Sakura, Nadeshiko, and Fujitaka’s ressemblence with their CCS counterparts.

Seven years pass. Fei Wang decides it is time to scatter Sakura’s memories so that Shaoran will travel the worlds to retrieve them, thereby creating memories in Sakura’s body. The dimension travel completed, Shaoran and Sakura come back home.

Fei Wang can finally realize his dream. He separates Sakura’s soul from its body and as he uses the body to make his dream come true, Sakura’s body is killed in the process. Her soul, inside a tube, cannot survive without the body, so wings grow on her back and she leaves the tube. If that is true, this scene was really experienced by Shaoran BEFORE chapter 1. Fei Wang Reed has now the power of dimensions...

*** BACK IN TIME ***
In order to prevent these sad events happening to Sakura, Shaoran asks Yuuko to rewind his time in exchange of a price, his time and freedom.

Fei Wang Reed, now in possession of incredible powers and knowing that Shaoran is now aware of his evil plans, captures Shaoran when he comes back to the past and creates a clone of Shaoran. Shaoran’s capture implies that his time and freedom are taken away, the price he accepted to pay Yuuko if she would send him back in the past in exchange.

*** DEJA-VU ***
The clone Shaoran will go along with Sakura in the dimension travel instead of the original. But the rewinding of time has created a glitch in the space-time continuum which changed the past. That is why clone Shaoran, being 7, first meets Fujitaka (who is not the king in this new past), then Sakura, and finally Sakura's father, Clow. So Nadeshiko and Fujitaka really are the true-original-initial-intended parents of Sakura.

As for Shaoran’s parents, his origins are still fuzzy. Symmetrically, he should have the same mother as in CCS. And how would be his father? Chapter 138 could provide some elements of answer. Among other things in this chapter, Clow tells Sakura and Shaoran: “Even if he reflects in your eyes, you can't reach him. Even if you've chosen them for yourself, the painful things won't change. Even like this, you want to protect, right? Once you have decided something, you can't resent that. This too, is just like being blood related.”

So who is blood related? From this passage, I get the impression that it is Clow, Fei Wang and Shaoran that are blood related. So maybe Fei Wang Reed is his father after all... they both stop at nothing, right? Father and son fighting each other...

In the light of the last revealing chapters, it is also interesting to read two previous chapters. First, in chapter 69, clone Shaoran realizes that he has traveled in time (future Shara -> past Shura -> changed future Shara). He understands that the future has been re-written and is anxious about it.

I believe clone Shaoran’s concerns are related to real Shaoran’s previous travel in time. The clone might fear that his mysterious origins could be related to some time travel or that he could have already somehow changed other dimension’s future since his lookalike did so, and the clone might have inherited the body memories of the original. Anyhow, this chapter is a hint that Shaoran is troubled by time travels.

*** Their destiny can even cross worlds. ***
*** Long live time travels, paradoxes and CLAMP !!! ***
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