What really happened...

May 14, 2008 03:24


Here is what I think really happened:

"Shaoran" went to Yuuko's shop to travel the dimensions in order to reach Clow country. There, he met Sakura 7 days before her seventh birthday. He also met Sakura's mother, Nadeshiko, and Sakura's father, Fujitaka. Then, time went by.

Once, "Shaoran" realized Sakura was in great danger. Maybe that is when the tube scene happened: Fei Wang has Sakura's soul inside the tube and, by trying to make his wish come true, he kills Sakura's body. Her soul can not survive without the body, so wings grow on her back and she leaves the tube. If that is true, this scene was really experienced by "Shaoran" BEFORE chapter 1.

"Shaoran" wanted to change Sakura's fatality so he asked Yuuko to rewind his time in exchange of a price, his time and freedom.

Fei Wang Reed, knowing that "Shaoran" now knew of his evil plan ("Shaoran" actually saw something bad happen, but went back in the past to change that), captured him (time and freedom) and created a clone of "Shaoran".

But the rewinding of time might have created a glitch in the space-time continuum which change the past. This would explain why clone Shaoran, being 7, first meets Fujitaka (who is not the king in this new past), then Sakura, and finally Sakura's father, Clow.

So Nadeshiko and Fujitaka really are the true-original-initial-intended parents of Sakura.

As for "Shaoran", his origins are still fuzzy. But since he speaks the same language as Sakura in Clow country, since symmetry implies a soulmate counterpart of CCS Shaoran in Clow country, and since he seems in love with Sakura, my guess is that his real origins are also in Clow country or Clow country dimension. Maybe Fei Wang Reed is his father after all... they both stop at nothing, right? Father and son fighting each other...

(Although, it is true that Yuuko can communicate with people from Clow country but by Mokona intermediate. So how did Yuuko and small "Shaoran" communicate with each other? I guess, either one must have a communication power.)

Long live to time travels, paradoxes and CLAMP !!!

-- There destiny can even cross worlds. --
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