Title: The Convergence of the Twain
fairygrrl45 Genre: SPN RPS AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen; Side Pairings Chris/Daneel, Jensen/Matt Bomer, Mike/Tom
Rating: NC-17 (Art is G)
Summary: Jensen doesn't really understand why this kid's so special, and Jared can't really explain what it is about Jensen that makes him want to be happy, but neither of them can walk away from this. Because Jared needs someone to see him, and Jensen needs someone to hear him, and who would've thought they'd find their whole in another half that's just as broken. Jensen is an anchor in Jared's storm, Jared is a light in Jensen's darkness, and neither of them wants to give up on what they've never thought they could have. It's a meeting that shakes the foundation to two worlds indelibly, this convergence of a twain.
The story is
here! It's an amazing story, no amount of compliments can do it justice. My author is just so talented! Go read it, go! ♥
1024 x 768 |
800 x 600