90210, Glee, GG, House

Sep 26, 2009 08:12

Let's talk about TV. New episode reactions to 90210, Glee, Gossip Girl and House. (Still to come, at some point, Melrose Place and Merlin. Possibly. If I get around to it.)

90210 - 2x03 - Sit Down, You’re Rocking the Boat
Omg, Annie. She is the biggest wretch this side of the planet, and I honestly hope that she gets sent to jail for the hit’n’run. I mean, she won’t, but can you imagine how epic that would be? I really like Naomi, even though she’s a massive, vindictive bitch, and, like Silver said, what Naomi did was mean, but what Annie did was cruel. Liam though! He’s working on a ~secret project~ and I’m actually intrigued. Mostly because Liam is hot, and deserving of his own character arc. Preferably one that ends with him and Naomi getting back together. And never talking to Annie again (omg, I can’t help it, I’m sorry, I just hate her so much).

On the other hand, Navid continues to be precious, and Adrianna continues to be epic and drama-filled. I still am not a huge Teddy fan, but if they play their cards right, I probably could like him by the end of the season. Dixon on the other hand (who I love!) was an ass in this episode. If I was Sasha, I would be so offended at being lied to to this extent, because, come on, this is kind of Ephebophilia at this point, and that is something she’s probably not going to be stoked on. Plus, he’s below the age of consent in California and omg, please don’t have sex with each other. She’s really pretty though. I also liked the fact that Silver played along, when she could have (and should have really) called him out. You go, Glen Coco.

Glee - 1x04 - Preggers
OH, MY HAPPY, FUN TIMES MUSIC SHOW. Seriously, you guys, that was one of the best episodes so far. Single Ladies! Kurt! The Football Team! Quinn! Tina! Rachel being a hobag! (omg, I love her, but she is a greedy, greedy wench) I really like the character development Kurt has gotten the last two episodes. I feel like they’re really shaping him as a character, and I like that he’s not implicitly gay, but it’s something that they’re actually dealing with on the show. DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I LOVED? HOW COOL HIS DAD WAS WITH IT. Seriously! I get so sick of rough-guys with gay sons going apeshit. I’ve had friends in similar circumstances, and whilst it hasn’t been easy, parents love their kids, and a lot of them aren’t going to let something like sexual orientation affect that too dramatically. I thought his reaction was perfect, the “I’ve known since you were three,” and the “I’m not okay with it, but I love you the same”. That’s the sort of thing that needs to be said on this sort of show, so that both parents and kids can understand that just because a parent doesn’t agree with it, it doesn’t mean they’re going to kick you out on your arse, and it doesn’t mean that they’re going to stop making an effort to be your parent. TV and film both only seem to play the extremes, the “omg, I love it, you can help me shop” or the murderous rampage, and I love that this was a middle ground.

The Puck/Quinn/Finn thing broke my heart a little. I love that both Puck and Finn wanted to do the right thing (but she rejected you, Puck, so go hook up with Kurt! You can’t get him pregnant!) The scene with Finn and Will was really well done too. I like they’re relationship, because the show’s totally turning Finn into the kid that Will doesn’t know he isn’t having, and that breaks my heart a little. (Because seriously, you know it’s going to destroy him when he finds out). I liked Will in this episode. I know a lot of people didn’t, because he was making Rachel sadface, but I thought he was entirely doing the right thing. Rachel needs to remember that she’s not in charge, and that she can’t be in the spotlight of every performance. I actually really liked what Will said, about being her biggest and sometimes only fan. Because it’s true. Because if he hadn’t have taken over, there wouldn’t be a Glee club, and he loves those kids to death, even when Rachel’s being a selfish bitch. (Come on, she’s had every other lead solo this season, apart from in ‘Gold Digger’.) And Tina! Omg, I love her. I love that she was willing to give the solo over to Rachel to keep her in Glee club (Tina/Rachel fic? Because Tina kissed a girl, and she liked it) and I like that will made her keep the solo. They need to stop bending over backwards to accommodate her, and I like that Will knows that. Although, I will be glad to have her back in Glee, I still love her to bits, actually, I may love her more, I like my characters charming, beautiful and flawed.

Gossip Girl - 1x02 - The Freshman
Hahahahahaha, omg. I love this show. Blair was hilarious, and I’m glad it’s going to be a little harder for her to claw her way to the top in college, but I certainly look forward to her doing it. That scene with her and Serena was lovely (I love their BFF status) and her and Chuck right at the end (my heart).

Georgina is hilarious, but also a wretch, and Dan and Georgina is…kinda gross. Vanessa, Nate and Bree continued to be boring, but bitchy!Serena was fabulous. I love it when she lets the claws out, because she’s so sugary sweet the rest of the time. I’ve always enjoyed her character, because where Blair has no delusions about being a manipulative bitch (you know what you’re getting with her - you may not always know the packaging, but you know the content), Serena is so sweet and pleasant and self-righteous until you remember that a) she’s Blair Waldorf’s best friend and b) she’s actually trying to suppress an epic wild child, and has such evil undertones. I love that. Blair and Serena are actually some of my favourite girls on TV at the moment, because they’re domineering and powerful and manipulative, and it’s nice to see girls do that to maintain control over situations, rather than just to be bitchy.

The Serena + Carter thing I actually like, and the Serena + Chuck thing was both hilarious and kind of cringe-worthy, especially because it brought out Vindictive!Serena.

House, MD - 6x01+6x02 - Broken
There’s a lot I want to say about this, but I’m not sure where to begin or what to say really .It’s complicated. I loved the episode. It broke my heart a million ways over, and I like that House went from, well, being House, to wanting to be better, to wanting to be happy, which is more than we usually get from him. I loved that it was an hour and a half purely of character development. That the only ‘case’ we had was House himself .I even liked his relationship with the German woman more than I thought I would. He’s at a stage where he’s realising how much he needs human contact, and she wasn’t just there but she was willing and interested and maybe needed it as much as he did.

This is comparatively short to the other sections today, haha, but I honestly can’t think of anything else. I feel like the episode speaks for itself, it doesn’t need me happily inserting meaning into every little thing, because the meaning was already there, and that’s what I’ve always loved about this show. It’s a fantastic start to the season, and I look forward to seeing where they go with the rest of it.

Also, how fabulous is my icon?

- I'm now on study break from uni, and I am so glad. It's been such a full on term already, and I still have four weeks of classes before my major exams. My soul will be consumed. On the positive side, it means I have about six weeks left until summer break over Christmas. I get November until February off, and I am dying to sit down and just write.

(tv) gossip girl, (tv) glee, (tv) 90210, (tv) house, (rl) university

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