Gossip. Entourage RPF. Adrian Grenier/Kevin Connolly.

Sep 30, 2009 09:08

Omg, just discovered comment_fic. This is potentially very, very dangerous.

“They’re kind of right,” Adrian says, and he tilts his head to the side, purses his lips. He looks like a model, the a-list star he plays on TV, and Kevin just rolls his eyes.

“What, did I miss the fucking memo? Are we fucking now?”

Adrian snorts on a laugh at that, knocks into Kevin’s shoulder like it’s easy, like they’re Vince and Eric, not Adrian and Kevin. He almost needs to check for the cameras, for the TMZ photographers that are apparently staking out HBO stars now, instead of just the fucking Kardashian’s.

“No, I mean,” Adrian slows a little, wrinkles his nose. There are a lot of ways Adrian isn’t Vince, about as many ways as Kevin isn’t Eric. The two of them, they don’t have the history, but Kevin likes to think he’s getting good at this, six seasons in, that maybe he can read Adrian’s nuances, his nervous habits. Adrian shies a little, usually does when all the attention’s on him, even if all it really is is Kevin. “They’re kind of gay for each other. Vince and Eric.”

Kevin arches an eyebrow at that, “Bromance, dude.”

Adrian snorts, “Total dependence, dude. I mean, fuck, he lived in the pool house for how many seasons?”

Kevin shuffles on the spot, rolls his eyes again. Jeremy had forwarded him the link that morning; a couple of grainy pictures of him and Adrian on-set and an article about an unhealthy TV bromance that was paving the way for a real romance between the two guys. Kevin had x-ed out almost as soon as he’d opened it. Apparently Adrian had read the whole thing and Formed Opinions. Fuck.

“You quoting the article back at me?” Kevin asks, “Gonna try and convince me that Vince and Eric need to be fucking doggy-style in E’s new apartment?”

Vince would’ve made a joke about not just doggy-style. Adrian just shrugs though, smiles, flushes, and Kevin watches wide blue eyes and criminally long lashes, and thinks maybe it shouldn’t just be Vince and Eric.

On a completely different note, I'm finally starting to watch The Office. I know, I'm late to the party, but I have been wooed by BJ Novak's adorable little face. I'm enjoying it so far! It's fun and silly and kind of sad and I like that sort of tone in a show.

I also have an uncontrollable urge to write 'Inglourious Basterds' fic. I'm not sure how that will go, but it should be fun either way. Plus, Eli Roth is currently an endless source of entertainment for me. Seriously. The whole thing on ohnotheydidnt has been amazing.

the country inside my head, entourage, of all the gin joints in all the world

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