Beacon Hills Eye Clinic [2/?]

Aug 20, 2013 18:42

Title: Beacon Hills Eye Clinic
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Cora Hale, Scott McCall/Isaac Lahey, Peter Hale/Lydia Martin, Cora Hale/Allison Argent (All pre-established relationships)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3,135
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: Peter meets the new eye doctor and doesn't hide his attraction for him. Scott also has trouble hiding his attraction for a former patient, but it's not easy to convey his feelings.

Previously in ‘Beacon Hills Eye Clinic’…

Derek had gone to see the new eye doctor to get his Alpha vision fixed and the doctor’s perfect ass had helped his infrared snap back into focus. Peter had noticed how excited his nephew was when he caught him rolling on the floor with Isaac. Since there wasn’t much to do in the small town and since he hated Dr. Greenberg, he had decided to check out the new clinic.

Every morning, the staff of the Beacon Hills Eye Clinic gathered in Stiles’ office. Important matters were discussed, happy occasions were congratulated, and encouraging words were exchanged. Stiles made jokes to wake everyone up and Scott gave out hugs. Lydia praised them for their fashion and Allison gave out pointers on turning down patients.

The last order of business was going through the list of appointments. Some patients showed up unexpected, but Stiles and Lydia liked to know what they would be dealing with on the given day. While the nurses opened up the place, the doctors checked their respective lists. It seemed like just another day at the office until a gasp filled the room.

“Hmm, that didn’t sound like a gasp of horror. It sounded more like a pleasant surprise.” Lydia twirled her hair.

“I have a Mr. Hale on my list! But it’s only been three days since Derek Hale was here. He said he’d be back next week!” Stiles was worried and excited at the same time; worried that the infrared got worse and excited to see the apex of apex hotties again.

“Oh my, you have a roving eye.” Lydia’s eyes twinkled as she started one of their favorite pastimes.

“Well, we obviously don’t see eye to eye on that one.” Stiles chuckled. He had just scored double.

“My eye. You eye up all of your hot patients. Whittemore, Mahealani, Mahealani’s boyfriend, Mahealani’s boyfriend’s brother…”

“All right! You made your point. I can’t help it if someone catches my eye! But I was just looking. I know we have a policy in place.”

“Well, you surely don’t look at those eye candies innocently. Trust me, I have an eagle eye.”

“You mean an evil eye.” Stiles snickered.

“Do you want to get cross-eyed? Or get a black eye?” Lydia held up her fist.

“You just have a green eye ’cause my patients are hotter than yours. Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong.”

“Now you’re asking for a false eye. I think you should go with a glass eye.”

“I’ll hide in the airport and take the red eye before you punch me in the eye.”

“But you won’t have enough time. You’ll lose an eye in the blink of an eye.”

“If you do that, there won’t be a dry eye in the house. Everyone loves me here.”

“I think it’ll be an eye-opener for you to meet everyone’s eyes and see how dry they are.”

Stiles decided to change tactics. “Oh, Lydia, please don’t give me one in the eye. I don’t want to miss your beautiful eyes that gratify the eye! It’s a needle’s eye to be around you and not feel the joy to the eye!” Yes! Stiles raised his arms in victory as he heard the fanfare in his mind.

“Hmm, I’ll have to keep an eye on your eyes then. Don’t let them wander too much.” Lydia got up and strutted out of the office. She had been worshipped and the game had been good enough to spare her partner the pain in the eye.

It was a busy day but Stiles was having a great time. He treated both human and werewolf patients, daydreaming about Derek Hale in his spare time. He was allowed to look and fantasize, but they had a strict policy against dating patients. Lydia was the one who had come up with the idea and Stiles had supported it. Beacon Hills was a small town and there were only a few places that patients could get their eyes treated. He was happy to be single if it meant that he could practice in peace in his hometown, close to his dad.

“Dr. Stilinski, Mr. Hale is here!”

Stiles jumped at Scott’s loud voice that shook the intercom. “Send him in, please.”

He wondered if he was imagining things or if Scott had sounded strangely amused. It didn’t take him long to figure out which one it was. Mr. Hale walked in all right, but it wasn’t Derek.

‘But he’s Adonis 2.0…’ Stiles gulped at the sight of his new patient. “Good afternoon, Mr. Hale. I’m Dr. Stilinski. Nice to meet you.”

“Peter Hale. Likewise.” Peter shook the offered hand. It was pale and soft, just the way he liked it.

“Please take a seat.” Stiles smiled, trying to stop his brain from getting fried. Who was Peter Hale? Derek’s big brother? A cousin? How many more beautiful Hales were out there?

“First, I’d like to tell you that you chose a great motto. You certainly please my eyes.” Peter grabbed a seat, thinking about the sign in the waiting room: We aim to please your eyes.

“Oh, haha, thank you. It was my idea.” Stiles blushed. He couldn’t remember any of Allison’s pointers to save his life.

“You’re welcome. My nephew Derek was the one who recommended this place. I can see why he acted that day, like he knew how to have positive emotions.”

“Wait, you’re his uncle? But you look so young!” Stiles needed to know about Peter’s daily and weekly beauty routines.

“Young enough to court you?” Peter looked hopeful. He had a feeling that kids these days didn’t use the word ‘court’, but it was the message behind the word that mattered.

That was when Stiles remembered Derek mentioning an uncle who had murdered his sister and had come back from the dead. While Peter looked too good to have spent some time as a corpse, he couldn’t rule out the possibility of treating a murderer. Had Peter been convicted and paid for his sin? But then, shouldn’t he be in jail right now? Was an ephemeral (damn it, Scott) death a good enough punishment? How did you ask someone whether he was a murderer or not?

“Doctor, you’re leaving me hanging here.” Peter could smell confusion, denial, and fear. And, in the middle of that, there was unmistakable attraction.

“Sorry, I was just wondering how many uncles Derek had. But it’s totally inappropriate to pry into patients’ lives, so I’ll keep that thought to myself.”

“No need. I’m happy to help. I’m the only uncle left.” Peter gave him a bright smile. Derek must’ve talked about him.

“Oh… I see.” Stiles paled. He hoped that Scott could hold down Peter until his dad came to arrest him.

“Your fear’s getting stronger.” Peter frowned. “If you’re concerned about my past, you can relax. Getting killed and buried wasn’t too fun. I don’t plan to kill anyone anytime soon.”

“Right…’Cause that totally makes me feel better.” Stiles didn’t want to take such a tone with his patients but he was talking to a murderer.

“Glad to give you some peace.” Peter chose to ignore the sarcasm.

“It was self-defense, right?” Derek’s eyes had told him that it probably wasn’t, but he wanted to hear both sides of the story.

“It was for my own survival, yes. Now can we move on to my eyes?” Peter was getting bored.

“Sure.” Stiles decided to drop the matter. If Peter deserved more punishment, Derek could report him to the police himself or hand him a second death. “So you wrote here that you don’t feel like you’re healing fast enough?”

“That’s right. Ever since I came back to life.” Peter put his chin on the machine.

“Let’s take a look. Is it just the eyes or do you heal slowly elsewhere too?”

“If this is you subtly asking about my recovery time, I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about.” Peter would’ve winked if his face wasn’t stuck in the machine.

Stiles let out a nervous laugh. Peter knew how to flirt. He appreciated a man who had a way with words. “Thanks for the unnecessary info, but you haven’t answered my question, Mr. Hale.”

“Call me Peter unless you’re into ‘Siiiir’,” Peter purred. “And, I’m not sure but I think my eyes are the slowest to heal.”

“Well, eyes are extremely sensitive even when you’re a werewolf, so it may take extra time to heal. Let me run a couple of tests. But regardless of the results, I’d like to recommend some eye massage and exercise.”

“Sounds good.” Peter imagined those soft fingers pressing the skin around his eyes. “But I think my eyes get enough exercise, thanks to my nephew. I can’t stop rolling my eyes around him.” He gave the doctor a demonstration.

“Huh, being a smarty pants, aren’t we? It’s the doctor’s order so you’re going to follow it. And, Nurse McCall will help you with everything, including the test preps.” Stiles wrote down the instructions for his nurse.

“Why, doctor, I didn’t know you had such a forceful side. As if I needed more incentive to go after you.” Peter finally gave him a wink.

“I’m flattered, Mr. Hale, but we’re not allowed to go out with patients. I expect you to respect our policy.” Stiles hoped that he didn’t sound or smell wistful.

“Hmm, is that policy in place because patients couldn’t keep their eyes off you? Or is it the other way around?”

Stiles smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Now if you don’t have any further questions, Nurse McCall is waiting for you outside.”

Peter got up with amusement glinting in his eyes. Perhaps this could be his new entertainment in town.

Seven o’clock in the Hale loft meant that it was time to get ready for dinner. Peter joined them a few times per week purely out of boredom, and today was one of those times. Cora chopped vegetables while Isaac stirred the soup. Derek carved the deer while Peter selected the wine.

“If we’re having family meals, we should also talk about our days, don’t you think?” Peter brought out wine glasses and placed them on the table.

“I already know what you did.” Derek showed his uncle just how sharp the knife was. “You went shopping for clothes or silverware again.”

Peter smirked. “That wouldn’t have been a bad guess on any other day, but you’re wrong today.”

“You finally went to the gay bar?” Isaac asked as he peppered the soup.

“Nope, I went to see Derek’s eye doc.”

Derek stabbed the meat and killed the deer all over again. Isaac got worried, Cora got intrigued, and Peter got excited.

“He’s my type of human, you see. Pretty, young, and smart with a nice and useful mouth on him.” Peter smiled at his nephew.

“I don’t know, he kinda sounds like my type of human.” Cora grinned. She had always been interested in Derek’s toys.

“It doesn’t matter whether he’s your type or not. They have a ‘no dating’ policy. It’s to avoid getting molested by people like you.” Derek gave Peter and Cora a pointed look. He had read the explanation on the wall on his way out of the clinic.

“Oh, please. Rules are there to be broken.” Peter rolled his eyes and got his daily exercise. “And, don’t tell me you haven’t pictured him in nothing but a doctor’s gown. I wonder what would look paler, the gown or his skin?”

“I vote for his skin…” Isaac answered quietly. After all, he was the one who had seen Dr. Stilinski the most.

“Can we give him gifts? Or is that against the policy too?” Cora already liked the guy. Pale humans were her favorite.

“No gifts either.” Derek went back carving. He was getting second thoughts about this whole family routine. He almost missed the days when he had eaten alone in his burnt down house.

“There’s another hot doctor, you know. Dr. Lydia Martin.” Isaac turned off the gas range. “She’s very smart. Scott says she even reads archaic Latin. Well, he said archetype, but he meant archaic.”

He hoped that he could steer his horny family to peace. There were four people at the clinic, so they could have one person each. “And, her nurse Allison Argent is a gorgeous badass. They’re both very pale.”

“Ooh!” Cora perked up as she diced another carrot. “Perhaps I should quit training celebrities and work there. They all come tanned these days.”

“Well, in any case, none of us are going back to Dr. Greenberg’s.” Peter shuddered. “You go in there with a bad eye and come out with a bad soul.”

Isaac and Cora laughed while Derek put down the knife. Dinner was ready to be served.

“Hey, I think we’re good to go now.” Allison looked around the clinic one last time. They were ready to close up for the day.

“Scott?” She found her colleague sitting at the reception desk with a chart in his hands. Something was off. Scott could usually hear her even when she whispered in the broom closet.

“Scott? Is everything okay?” She headed to the desk.

“Yeah, everything’s fine.” Scott looked up in surprise. When had she come out of the broom closet?

“Hey, I know we’re not together anymore but you can always talk to me.”

“I know.” Scott gave her a smile. “There’s just not much to talk about.”

Allison sat on the desk and took the chart out of his hands. It was Isaac Lahey’s. “You don’t want to talk about this? What’s stopping you from calling him? You must’ve memorized his number by now.” She giggled.

“Well, for a starter, we have a ‘no dating’ policy.”

“But that’s mainly for Stiles and Lydia. Remember how Stiles said if it’s a former patient and if we really want to go for it, we can go for it? We just have to let them know.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not sure if I really want to go for it.”

“Why not? I think he likes you too. He smiled a lot around you.”

Scott made a painful sound and put his head in her lap. “Allison, I’ve only ever gone out with you. I loved you so much and tried so hard, but it still didn’t work out. I don’t know if I can go through that again.”

“But you can’t let one bad experience get you down. The Scott McCall I know is so brave that nothing would ever stand between him and what he wants!”

“You were not a bad experience. Please don’t say that. You were the best thing that happened to me.”

“Aww, but now that can be him.” Allison patted her best friend on the head.

“You really think he likes me?” Scott’s eyes were full of doubt.

“Yes, I do. I’m sure he smelled awfully delighted for a patient. You just didn’t want to notice it. You can ask him out and put your nose to better use this time.”

“But what do I say?”

“I don't know. I'm an expert at turning people down, not the other way around.” She shrugged before adding, “How about asking him to do something simple with you? Go for a run after work and howl at the moon together?”

“That's simple? It sounds so intimate.”

“Then how about getting coffee? Everyone loves Heather’s coffee.”

“But her tables are tiny. It’ll still be intimate.”

“Then how about going out for a movie? It’s just sitting next to each other with an armrest in the middle.”

“I don’t know... Isn’t there anything less intimate?”

“Scott, you had dinner with my family. And then you had sex with me above my family with my aunt's condom. Now that's what you call intimate.” Allison hoped that she had emphasized all the right parts. Who knew that she and Scott had been so intimate?

“But I want to take things slower this time! It has to be right. I don’t think I could forgive myself if I put him through more pain.” Scott remembered how Isaac had tensed when he had chatted away about his mother. They hadn’t talked much, but he didn’t think that Isaac had any family left. All he had ever talked about was how grateful he was for his Alpha’s presence.

“Aww, you want to save him! That’s so sweet. You’ve always had a thing for rescuing puppies.” Allison scratched him behind the ears.

“Ah, I don’t know about this. Maybe I should think about it some more.” Scott sat up with a whine.

“But it’s already been over a week. What if someone else calls him and asks to do intimate things with him? You’re doing this now.” Allison picked up the phone and dialed the number.

“Hello?” Isaac’s voice flowed through the speaker.

“Hi, this is Scott McCall from the Beacon Hills Eye Clinic.”

“Nurse McCall? Hi! What can I do for you?”

“Uh, yeah, there's something you could do for me, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to... oww!”

“Nurse? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Scott rubbed his arm and gave Allison a hurt look. “But I have a feeling I won’t be if I don’t ask you something.”

“Then ask away. What would you like to know?”

“Well, I’d like to know if maybe you’d like to… uh, would you be opposed to… um, sorry, the thing is, I…”

Allison sighed and held up a note: Don’t make me get my crossbow. The broom closet isn’t that far away.

Scott shrieked, “would you like to look at brooms with me in the closet?!”

There was a deafening silence as all three of them tried to process what they had just heard. Allison was the first to recover. She lifted her hand to cut the call, certain that too much damage had been done.

“Yeah, I think I’d like that. It’s a bit fast, but what the hale.”

Now two of them tried to process what they had just heard. Had that actually happened? Had he really said yes?

“Great! I’ll be in touch! Thanks, man!” Scott ended the call before he could embarrass himself any further.

Doing his best to avoid Allison’s glances, he quickly packed up his things. Why did Isaac want to see brooms? Didn't they all look the same? Was Isaac into Harry Potter? Did he expect to see a Nimbus 2014? Would Stiles know where to get one? And, what did he mean that it was a bit fast? Was looking at brooms together some sort of a werewolf ritual? Urgh, he had a lot to think about tonight.

teen wolf slash, beacon hills eye clinic

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