Beacon Hills Eye Clinic [3/?]

Aug 23, 2013 08:40

Title: Beacon Hills Eye Clinic
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Cora Hale, Scott McCall/Isaac Lahey, Peter Hale/Lydia Martin, Cora Hale/Allison Argent (All pre-established relationships)
Rating: R
Word count: 3,244
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: Cora enjoys a pleasant trip to the new clinic while Stiles and Allison go through a rough day. Scott keeps his promise and invites Isaac to the Beacon Hills' finest broom closet.

Previously in ‘Beacon Hills Eye Clinic’…

Peter hadn’t bothered to hide his attraction for Dr. Stilinski even though the doctor had told him that the clinic had a policy against dating patients. And, when the mention of the cute, pale human had annoyed Derek, Cora had decided to check out the clinic. Meanwhile, Scott had asked Isaac out over the phone and had accidentally asked to look at brooms together in a closet. And, much to his surprise, Isaac had said yes.

“I’m sorry. You want me to get you a what?” Stiles blinked in confusion. This wasn’t what he had expected when Scott hadn’t left his office right after their daily morning meeting.

“A Nimbus 2014… But I guess 13 or 12 would do too.” Scott squirmed in his chair as if he was asking his parents to buy him something incredibly expensive.

“Yeah… that wasn’t really the point of my question.” Stiles scratched his cheek. “Can I ask why you want it? It’s not your birthday yet. And, it’s not mine either.”

Scott squirmed some more. “Remember how you said Allison and I could go out with former patients? If we really wanted to?”

“Oh my god, Isaac Lahey!” Stiles slapped his lap.

“How does everyone know that?!”

“Oh please, your paws were aching to touch his curls. It’s amazing that you’ve lasted this long. You’re the epitome of self-restraint!”

Scott refused to acknowledge the existence of those curls right now. He could only think about them in the privacy of his bedroom. “So are you going to get it for me?”

Stiles shrugged. “I could try, but isn’t a mythical broom a little too much? You don’t want to put that kind of pressure on him.”

“You’re right. I don’t. But I kind of have to…”

“What do you mean? His favorite means of transportation is a broomstick?”

“No…” Scott really didn’t want to tell him the whole story, but he did. He didn’t want to mess things up with the cutie and he could use all the help that he could get.

“Wahahaha… Oh, buddy, trust me. He wouldn’t bat an eyelid even if you put a 2024 in there! You’ve already got the broom.” Stiles gave him a wink.

“I have? But all of the brooms belong to the clinic. Urgh, I’m so confused about this broom business.” Scott ruffled his hair.

Stiles thought about clueing in his friend, but his adorable cluelessness was one of the things that made him Scott. He didn’t want to ruin the chance of Lahey seeing this side of him.

“So you’re okay with me going out with him?” Scott wanted to be sure.

“Yeah, totally. I already finished treating him and he’s a werewolf. How many times could he possibly need my help? Plus, you’re not a doctor so there will be fewer complications.”

“Okay then. So can I use the closet after we close up? We’re going out for dinner after that.” It was a Saturday which meant that the clinic only opened until four.

“Sure. You can use the closet for the rest of the weekend. I never know with werewolves.”

Scott shook his head as his friend burst into another fit of laughter. He thought about poking him in the arm to stop him, but decided against it. Endorphin could only be a true blessing when you were forced to be single.

Outside the clinic, Cora was checking her face in the hand mirror one last time. She knew that she was beautiful, but she was aiming for perfection. She was going to flirt the hale out with the doctor, and when the time was right, she would push him towards her brother.

She might’ve been apart from Derek for the past six years, but she was still his sister. She knew that he wouldn’t act on his feelings unless someone messed with his prey. Peter was already involved in the hunt, but weren’t love triangles boring? There was more fun in love triangular pyramids.

It wasn’t like she was going to make the doctor fall in love with her. She would just get him hot and bothered before throwing him at Derek who was turning into a monk. Peter wouldn’t be much of a problem in the end; she believed in the power of Derek’s abs. As for herself, she wasn’t as picky about her partners as her brother. She could find someone else in a heartbeat.

“Good morning! Welcome to the Beacon Hills Eye Clinic! We aim to please your eyes!” A cheerful voice made her frown as she walked into the clinic. Someone had had too much coffee already.

Cora yawned as she headed towards the perky nurse. She had woken up far too early since Derek had been pacing in front of her bedroom. She had tried to ignore him and go back to sleep, but it had been impossible to shut out the noise of the gears working in his head. It had obviously been a mistake to let him know that she was planning to visit the doctor today. It was flattering, though, to think that her Alpha considered her a threat.

“Hi. I’m here to see the cute, pale doctor, please.”

“Oh, but both of our doctors are extremely cute and attractively pale,” Scott explained proudly.

“The male one then. What’s his name?”

“Dr. Stiles Stilinski.”

Cora tilted her head at the strange name, but she understood that not everyone could have a pretty name like hers.

“Is he single?” She liked to get straight to the point.

“Yes, he is. But as you can see here, we have a policy that strongly discourages patients from pursuing our staff.” Scott pointed at the board that was standing on one side of the desk.

“Has it ever been broken?”

“No. But many have tried.” Allison stepped into the reception area with a warning smile. She didn’t need super senses to smell trouble.

“I see.” Cora checked her out from head to waist, eyes lingering on her breasts. The desk hid her legs from view, but Isaac had been right; she was a gorgeous badass. “Does it also apply to the nurses? If so, what a shame.”

Allison snorted as she sat down. She opened the drawer and reached for the Taser.

Scott hurried to put an empty form in front of the new patient. He didn’t want any trouble. “Would you please fill this out for us? In the waiting room?”

“Sure. You got a pen?”

Allison jumped up and stabbed the air with her sharpest pencil. The patient dodged it as expected, but it still made her feel better. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was something in the werewolf that greatly bothered her.

“That was cute.” Cora took the pencil and carved a small heart into it with her pinkie claw. Then she turned around and headed to the waiting room, clacking her boots.

“Dr. Stilinski! Miss Hale is here!”

Stiles gasped as he finished writing some notes in a chart. This couldn’t be happening. “Are you serious? Another Hale? And, it’s a Miss this time?”

“Yes, Miss Cora Hale.”

“But I thought Derek said most of his family was dead! How many survived the fire? And, why do they all have eye problems? More importantly, why are they all coming to me? Don’t they know that Greenberg’s still practicing at the Memorial Hospital?” Stiles moaned as he chewed the end of his pen.

“I feel for you, doc. I really do. But we can’t turn them away.”

“Let me guess. She’s also a hottie and wears a killer leather jacket.”

Scott paused before speaking in his softest voice, “well, yeah. I’m sending her in, Stiles. Good luck.”

Stiles didn’t think that Scott had wished him luck hard enough. He didn’t have much time to brace himself for the oncoming cleavage. As soon as the door opened, Cora walked straight up to him and dropped her chart in his lap.

Stiles’ eyes shot up to her face. He knew that she had bent forward with dirty intentions, but he wasn’t going to molest a patient with his eyes.

“Why are you looking at my eyes, doctor? The goods are down here.” Cora pointed at her white shirt.

“Um, usually they say it the other way around…” Stiles gulped. “And, don’t forget that I’m an eye doctor! I look at eyes!”

“Why not look at both? I’m offering.” Cora spun the doctor’s chair and put her hands on each of the armrests.

“Okay! Let’s take a look at your chart, shall we?” Stiles hid behind the chart and took a deep breath. The panic button was right under his desk, but he’d like to think that he could handle this on his own.

“Suit yourself.” Cora smiled as she took a seat. “I think you’ll like my handwriting. It’s easy on the eyes, isn’t it?”

“Yes! It’s very nice!” Stiles was relieved that they were talking about handwriting.

“And all firm and round…” Cora took off her jacket and adjusted her shirt.

Stiles blushed and put the chart closer to his face. He didn’t mind getting cross-eyed. “So you have trouble with moonlight... after being captured by the Alpha pack for three months?”

“Yeah, I wasn’t allowed to see the moonlight for a long time. And, now it’s too bright that I need my Ray Bans,” Cora had never had too much trouble lying. She was sure that Peter’s eyes were fine too.

“Okay, you should keep those shades on at night until you feel better. And, I’ll prescribe you some eye drops to help with the sensitivity. How do you do with sunlight and artificial light?”

“All right, I guess.”

“Excellent. I’d like to run a test on your retina just to be sure. Nurse McCall will help you outside.”

“Actually, could I get the other nurse instead?”

“Oh, you’re not comfortable around Nurse McCall?” Stiles wondered if Scott’s eyes had wandered.

“I’m too comfortable around him if you know what I mean. It’s a clinic. I want a hot, bad nurse who can whip me up.” Cora smacked her lips as she got up.

“Ookay, let’s send you to Nurse Argent then.” Stiles tried his best not to think about some hot patient on nurse action that involved a whip. Allison was a dear friend and deserved his utmost respect.

“Oh, and one last thing.” Cora turned her head in front of the door. “I sometimes have trouble seeing my shoelaces.” She bent her waist and fixed her bootlaces. There was a reason why she had worn such tight jeans.

‘Oh shit…’ Stiles completely forgot how to breathe. The Hales were going to be the death of him. He was sure of it. They were brutal, thorough, and patient. It was only a matter of which one would get to him first.

“Allison! Allison!!” Stiles ran out of his office and headed straight to the reception desk. He spotted a couple of Lydia’s patients in the waiting room, but thankfully they were both regulars. They had come here often enough to know about his panic attacks.

Allison looked up from where she had been sharpening her pencils. “What’s wrong, doctor?”

“No, this isn’t Dr. Stilinski time. This is Stiles time. I need your help.”

Allison let Stiles drag her into the broom closet before asking again, “So what’s wrong?”

“They’re coming for me!” Stiles yelled in terror.


“Who do you think? The Hales!” Stiles’ arms flailed wildly.

“I don’t understand. Cora Hale just left, looking pleased. What do you mean they’re coming for you? They want to sue you?”

“Pfft, I wish! That kind of problem could go away with an expensive lawyer! But no lawyer’s going to save me from this tantalizing agony! They’re taking turns eating me with their eyes, and I keep dying a willing prey in my head! Oh god, Allison, you have to help me.”

Allison frowned at the doctor who was now fanning himself on the floor. “So you want me to give them a warning? They’ll catch it, but I can shoot a poisoned arrow to send a message.”

Stiles looked up, horrified. “Why would you want to do that? No, I don’t want you to shoot anything at those beautiful creatures.”

“Then what about using an ultrasonic emitter? Scott can wear earplugs.”

“No, Allison! I just want you to teach me how to turn them down, with words!”

“With words? But I give out tips pretty often. I must’ve given out plenty by now.”

“I know. But I need special ones! And, to be honest, your tip-giving time is my daydreaming time. I just didn’t need to turn down anyone this badly, sorry.”

“Oh…” Allison frowned even more. Stiles would have to pay her back with eye cream. “I’m happy to help, Stiles, but I don’t get what’s different this time. I’m sure the Hales will give up too eventually.”

“Allison…” Stiles started with a sigh. “If you honestly can’t see what’s different this time, I need to run a few tests on you. You’re losing your eyesight! I mean did you see Cora Hale? You know I worship Lydia, but she’s like a werewolf goddess or something. Man, they didn’t teach me enough words at school to describe such a beauty.”

“Haha, how incongruous to hear you say that.” Allison wondered if Scott could hear her. “And, yes, she’s quite attractive even though she almost got herself Tasered for hitting on me.”

“Wait, she hit on you? You mean during the test?”

“No, before you saw her. She was pretty shameless.” Allison blushed a little at the memory of Cora’s fiery eyes.

“I see.” Stiles rubbed his face with a crooked grin. A nice, little idea was forming inside his head. “Well, this emergency closet meeting has been fruitful. Thanks, Allison, you’ve been a great help.”

“I have? But I haven’t given you any tips yet.”

“But you gave me inspiration! That’s much better than a few tips. Thanks.” Stiles got up and gave her a hug before going back to his office. He now had a game plan.

The broom closet saw another strange meeting a few hours later. Scott felt stupid and rude as he led his guest into a broom closet of all places. He had booked a lovely restaurant with large tables that wouldn’t make it feel too intimate, but this part of the date was ridiculous.

“Wow, what a neat closet,” Isaac commented. He thought that it was only polite to say something nice about the place that he had been invited to.

“Thanks. Allison takes good care of it.”

“It certainly looks like it.” Isaac smiled and closed the door. He couldn’t wait to have fun with the brooms.

“You know, I’m really glad you didn’t turn me down.” Scott gave him a smile of his own.

“I’m glad you asked. I was worried you were never going to. There’s that ethical policy and all.”

“Yeah. If I didn’t like you this much, I probably would’ve beaten the temptation.”

“Aww, I’m flattered.” Isaac put his hands on Scott’s waist and kissed his forehead.

“Whoa, that was fast!” Scott liked the kiss, but fast was still fast.

“Not as fast as what we’re about to do.” Isaac grinned.

“Looking at brooms…?”

“More like touching the brooms.” Isaac leaned in for a kiss.

“What are you doing?” Scott jumped back.

“Oh, I just thought it would be less awkward if we kissed first.” Isaac scratched the back of his neck.

“Oh… I’m sorry. The thing is, we don’t have much time left until our reservation. So I don’t mean to rush you, but can we just get to the brooms? I didn’t think we’d be staying here for long.” Scott could smell Isaac’s arousal and he wanted to leave the closet as a gentleman. There was only so much self-control that he could muster around a hot guy in a coat and a scarf.

“Uh, sure. Why not. After all, that’s the main event.”

“Good.” Scott faced the brooms and waited, breathing through his mouth. Isaac would know what to do. But instead of the sound of Isaac walking up to the brooms, he heard a zipper going down.

“What are you doing?!” He looked down at Isaac’s crotch in horror.

“Um, getting my broom out?” Isaac was starting to get worried. He had thought that he knew what he was doing, but Scott kept asking him.

“Oh my god…” Scott wanted to die. Now he understood why Stiles hadn’t stopped laughing. When he had done a Google search last night, nobody had told him that the word ‘broom’ stood for anything. This was all going horribly wrong. He had wanted to take things slower this time, but things had never been going so fast.

By the time he had slightly recovered, one of the brooms was out of the closet and his misled guest was sniffing at his hair. “Are we all right? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, it’s my fault.” Scott still wanted to die, but he would die a dependable host.

“What can I do to make things better?” Isaac worked on unzipping Scott’s pants.

Scott wanted to stop him. He really did. But Isaac’s fingers were quick and felt far too great on his skin. There was no going back now.

“Isaac…” Scott clutched at Isaac’s shoulders and whined into his neck. He was glad that he was doing this with a werewolf. He could worry a little less about leaving bruises on his date and focus a little more on looking at the brooms rubbing against each other. He had never been involved in any broom-to-broom activity, but it looked like it wasn’t the first time for Isaac.

“This is good. I think you’re feeling better.” Isaac tightened his grips on Scott’s waist and the brooms.

“You think? What gave it away?” Scott had meant it to sound sarcastic (damn it, Stiles), but it only sounded desperate in his ears. It turned out that Isaac’s long fingers were useful for this type of activity, and he could think of another activity that could benefit from long fingers.

“Wow, what just happened?” Isaac asked in awe as waves of arousal hit his nose.

Instead of answering, Scott put his hands in Isaac’s curls and pulled him down. He needed a kiss.

Isaac moved his hand faster as he purred into Scott’s mouth. Nothing smelled wrong anymore. Scott was thrusting into his hand and the friction between them was at its best. The end was nearing, so he kissed his date harder. This was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.


Two sets of howls shook the closet as the werewolves slid to the floor. Scott rested his head on his knees as he tried to decide if he had liked the turn of events. So much for trying not to be intimate.

“So…” Isaac moved closer to Scott and nuzzled his ear. “Do I get to ride your broomstick next time? Or would you rather sweep me with your broom? Or do you want me to sweep you with my broom?”

“God, Isaac… Enough with the brooms!” Yeah, Scott still wanted to die. But before Isaac could think that he had done something wrong again, he swept him off his feet with an intimate kiss.

teen wolf slash, beacon hills eye clinic

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