Beacon Hills Eye Clinic [1/?]

Aug 18, 2013 13:34

Title: Beacon Hills Eye Clinic
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski/Cora Hale, Scott McCall/Isaac Lahey, Peter Hale/Lydia Martin, Cora Hale/Allison Argent (All pre-established relationships)
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2,888
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: Derek has a problem with his eyes and goes to see the new eye doctor in town. And, if he keeps having all kinds of eye problems, his eyes must be weaker than he thought. To add to his woes, it turns out that his whole pack has weak eyes.

Derek Hale was a morning person. While the rest of his family liked to laze around in bed, he got straight up once he opened his eyes. His bed only held one purpose and it was sleeping; not the entertaining kind but the necessary kind. So it had been no ordeal for him to show up at half past eight in front of the new eye clinic.

The first thing he noticed when he walked in was the smell of newness. The environment-friendly material wasn’t intruding even on his keen nose. Then he saw pictures of two doctors in the hall. The male one had moles all over his face while the female one had red hair and piercing eyes. And, last but not least, he came face to face with the ‘Eye of Sauron’ in front of the reception desk. It seemed like there were piercing eyes everywhere.

“Good morning, sir! Welcome to our clinic! How can we help you?”Scott asked cheerfully. He loved working as a nurse, following in his mother’s footsteps.

“Hi. I hear you also cure werewolves?”

“That’s correct! Any issue is ephemeral in our doctors’ good hands.”

Derek looked at the nurse with concern. His heart was beating too fast. He hoped that the staff wasn’t on drugs or anything. Even he wasn’t that excited this early in the morning, and he was a morning person. But then, when was the last time he got excited? When he had finally won a fight and had sent the big bad home?

“Would you fill out this form, please?” Scott handed over a pen and a sheet of paper. “Dr. Stilinski will be with you shortly. He’s the specialist on werewolf optimology.”

Derek frowned. “You mean ophthalmology.”

“Yes, that…” Scott cleared his throat. It wasn’t his fault that Allison had hidden his cheat sheet.

Derek sat down in one of the chairs and filled out the form. The nurse was very worrying but he didn’t want to judge the clinic until he met the doctor. The guy in the picture had looked far too young to be experienced but he was in Beacon Hills, not in New York City. He would have to get help wherever he could.

“Dr. Stilinski, your first patient is here!”

Stiles smiled at the announcement blaring through the intercom. He hated being bored when he was still full of energy. “Please send him in.”

“He’s a new one and he’s hot,” Scott whispered as quietly as he could.

Stiles laughed. “Thanks for the heads up, Scott. But you think almost everyone’s hot.”

Scott didn’t say another word and led Derek into the office. The doctor would believe him as soon as the patient walked through the door.

‘Holy shit…’ Stiles rubbed his eyes as Adonis walked in. When had he and Lydia moved their practice to Greece?

“Here’s the chart, doctor.” Scott grinned as Stiles’ heartbeat threatened to tear his eardrums.

“Thank you, nurse.” Stiles glared at his best friend who hadn’t given him a better warning. The new patient wasn’t just hot; he was the ideal creature to roam the Earth and the living sculpture that Gods from all religions had collaborated on.

“Good morning,” Derek tried not to sound annoyed. The doctor didn’t seem to be any less high than the nurse.

“Good morning, Mr. Hale. Please take a seat.” Stiles managed to give him a smile. “It says here that your Alpha vision’s giving you some trouble?”

“Yeah, the infrared’s messed up. It’s a bit blurry.”

“I see. Did you suffer any injuries to the eyes or the head?”

“Yeah, I went up against a pack of rogue Alphas last week.”

Stiles blinked, wondering if the patient was serious. His tone had been so casual as if he had played a ball game with a bunch of friends. “You got all the other injuries treated? Or did they heal themselves?”

“Most of them healed, but the ones left by the leader needed treatment.”

“Ah, so the leader must’ve hit you on the head or something.”

“He bashed me over the head with a tree trunk. Three times.”

Stiles winced in horror and compassion. “I’m sorry to hear that. If you want, I can recommend you a therapist. Miss Morell is the best in town.”

“Thanks but I’ve gone through worse. Most of my family died in a fire because my ex burned down the house. And, my uncle killed my elder sister so I had to kill him. But he came back from the dead and is still alive. Those Alphas killed two of my betas too. And, my latest girlfriend turned out to be a psychotic mass murderer. She killed a dozen people in a nearby town. So yeah, my head injury’s nothing.” Derek found it easy to talk to the doctor. He could smell waves of sincere concern and genuine empathy. The doctor must’ve lost someone close to him too.

“Well, uh, let me know when you need Miss Morell’s number.” Stiles hoped that his patient would eventually find some peace of mind like him.

“Okay then, let’s take a look at those beautiful eyes.” He pulled one of the machines and motioned for Adonis to wheel his chair in front of it.

Derek raised his eyebrows at the compliment. It wasn’t very professional.

“Oh, don’t mind me. I think everyone’s eyes are beautiful. Otherwise I wouldn’t be looking at eyes all day.”

Stiles’ bright smile activated Derek’s Alpha vision. It was to protect his human eyes but Derek quickly deactivated it. It was a little bit embarrassing.

“Has that been happening lately too? I promise this machine won’t make your eyes sensitive. I just want to take a closer look, that’s all. Think of it as a big microscope.”

Derek didn’t feel like explaining the real reason behind the activation, so he nodded and put his chin on the machine.

Stiles focused on examining Derek’s eyes. If this beautiful creature needed his help, he was going to get it. “Okay, now the Alpha vision, please.”

Derek turned his eyes red and sat in silence, listening to the doctor’s heartbeat. It seemed like he wasn’t on drugs after all. The rhythm had calmed down to a pleasant level even though it was slightly faster than average. Now that the heartbeat didn’t bother him, he noticed how nice the doctor smelled. Having to deal with patients all day, it must be important to leave a good impression.

“Hmm… it looks fine so I don’t think there’s any major problem. But I’d like to run another test to determine the extent of the damage.”

The office went dark before Derek could ask about the test.

“Quick! What am I doing to my face?”

Derek rolled his Alpha eyes. “You’re pulling your left ear and rubbing your nose.”

“Good! A harder one. How many fingers am I holding up?” Stiles waved three fingers in the air.

Derek folded his arms. He hadn’t seen many eye doctors in his life but he had a feeling that this wasn’t an orthodox test. He would have to check the doctor’s credentials under his picture on his way out.

“Come on, Mr. Hale! Give me a number!”


“Excellent! One last question. How many fingers now?” Stiles started to jump up and down, still waving three fingers.

Derek was about to answer ‘four’ when the doctor knocked down the model eye on the desk.

“Oops!” Stiles tried to catch it but he couldn’t see anything in the pitch darkness.

The eye rolled on the floor and Derek got up to help. That was when the doctor dropped to his knees and bent down. Derek stood dead in his tracks at the sight of the doctor’s ass. Apparently the eye had rolled under a medicine cabinet. The doctor’s gown had hiked up and his pants were tight enough to give him the perfect view. Derek felt his eyes come into focus as he stared and stared. The lines weren’t blurry anymore. Orthodox or not, the test had fixed his problem.

“Ah, sorry about that.” Stiles put the eye back in place and turned on the lights. “I’m sure they’ll heal on their own with a bit more time, but let me prescribe you some eye drops. And, try not to use the infrared for a while unless it’s absolutely necessary and…”

The doctor was giving him important instructions but Derek couldn’t care less. All he could think about was how the doctor’s ass would look even better without any fabric getting in the way. It was highly inappropriate to undress his doctor with his eyes, but he couldn’t stop himself and didn’t want to.

Perhaps the doctor was into guys. It was a shame that the Alpha vision didn’t come with a gaydar. Perhaps the doctor was single. There wasn’t a ring on his hand or a picture on his desk. Perhaps he could ask him out sometime and give his bed another purpose.

Thoughts multiplied in his head while the doctor kept moving his pretty mouth. He could think about many different things to do with that mouth, but he would have to explore those possibilities on his way home. It would be even more inappropriate to sport a hard-on in front of his doctor.

“Thank you. I’ll see you next week.” Derek stood up as soon as silence filled the room.

“Oh, I hope you’ll feel better and won’t have to come in again.” Stiles smiled. He didn’t think that the patient would suffer for another week.

“See you next week,” Derek stated clearly and left the office. He already knew that his eyes were going to give him more trouble. If the infrared worked fine, something else would need to be fixed.

“You’re back!” Isaac squealed from the couch as soon as Derek stepped inside the loft. He had a book in his lap but it was just for show. He had been dying for Derek to come back.

“How was the trip to the clinic?” He was the one who had recommended that particular clinic. Dr. Stilinski had treated him when his tear glands had dried up.

“It was fine.” Derek sniffed the air before locking the door. He couldn’t smell any threats and Isaac didn’t seem in need of a run.

“How fine?” Isaac knew that he was fishing for compliments but he didn’t care. Derek wasn’t the most talkative Alpha and he wasn’t going to miss this chance.

Thankfully, Derek knew what his beta wanted. “The doctor was efficient and the staff was kind. Thanks, Isaac.”

“You’re welcome!” Isaac got so excited that he wolfed out a little. “Isn’t the doctor cute? I like his long hair and upturned nose.”

“He’s all right.” Derek thought about the doctor’s smile.

“He is. But I like his nurse better. His name is Scott and you can almost see him wag his tail. He told me he used to work at the vet’s a few years back. I bet he got along well with other puppies.”

Isaac laughed at the mental image of Scott wagging his bushy tail in front of some puppies that looked at him in awe. “Hmm, I don’t know if this makes me a little speciesist, but I think I like werewolves better.”

Derek shrugged as he got himself a glass of water. “It’s just a matter of preference. There’s nothing wrong with you.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet!”

Isaac grinned and got up to hug his Alpha. Derek saw it coming and ran up the stairs, but Isaac was determined to show him how much he loved him. There had been times when he had wished that he had chosen a better Alpha, but that was all in the past. He knew better than anyone that Derek always tried his damned best to keep him safe and healthy. Derek looked out for him in a way that his own dad had never had.

“Gotcha!” Isaac yelled in victory as he threw his arms around Derek’s shoulders. He had a feeling that the Alpha had let him catch him but it didn’t matter. They were rolling on the floor now and he couldn’t stop laughing. He could smell his own joy and it was a good scent on him.

Derek pricked up his ears as another heartbeat came into play. They had company but sadly, it wasn’t Cora.

“Well, well, well, if this isn’t the most heart-warming puppy roll I’ve ever seen.” Peter climbed up the stairs. “You can’t see it but underneath my designer clothes, I’m all melting inside.”

“What do you want?” Derek gave Isaac one last squeeze and got back on his feet.

“I guess I want to know what put you in such a good mood. You used to roll on the floor when you were excited.” Peter remembered the traumatizing days of babysitting.

“My infrared is fixed.” Derek turned on his Alpha vision since he knew how much it annoyed Peter to realize that he wasn’t the Alpha anymore.

“I’m glad to hear that. But there’s no need to brag about it. Nobody likes a show-off.”

“I’m sorry but I thought you just bragged about your designer clothes,” Isaac chimed in.

“I was merely pointing out a fact.” Peter held up a finger. “If I wanted to brag, I would’ve told you how that scarf looks great around your neck. Since I’m the one who picked it out with impeccable taste.”

Isaac snorted. “As if you’d tell someone they look great. You think you’re the only one who looks great in this town.”

“That’s true. But I won’t apologize for looking handsome and knowing how to dress myself.”

“I’ll ask again. What do you want?” Derek’s mood was quickly turning sour.

“Well, you still haven’t told me why you were drooling all over the floor.”

“I told you, infrared.”

“Oh, please. Don’t treat me like an idiot. You don’t get all sappy because your eyes got fixed. Wait. Where did you get them fixed? Nobody comes home happy from Dr. Greenberg’s office.” Peter shivered. He’d never forget the doctor’s gloomy wallpaper and his gloomier eyes.

“There’s a new clinic in town.” Isaac figured that it would only look suspicious if they hid it.

“Is that so?” Peter rubbed his chin. “The nurses must be hot. I should check it out sometime.”

He had expected a growl from Derek but it came from Isaac instead. “Huh, interesting. Maybe someone’s hot for the doctor then.”

Derek glared at his uncle, judging him for trying such a simple trick. As if he’d fall for that.

Peter held up a hand. “No need to bore holes in my perfectly shaped skull. I just came by to take your pup shopping. There are only so many things one can do in this town. Oh, how I miss the glamour of big cities.”

Peter sighed while Isaac jumped up from the floor. He didn’t like the man and didn’t trust him, but he couldn’t deny the fact that Peter had an eye for fashion. He would even sleep in his new coat if he thought that his Alpha would approve.

“He can’t be late for lunch,” Derek made it clear. He had been working hard to have them function as a family again. “Cora will be back by one so I expect him to be here by then.”

“You mean you expect us to be here. Or am I not part of this family anymore?” Peter frowned. “I wouldn’t bother playing house if this town had any type of entertainment, but like I said, it’s Beacon Hills.”

“What about the gay bar? I thought you were popular with the drag queens,” Isaac offered. Family meals were much more fun without Peter.

“Say another word and I’m going to make a bold fashion statement out of you.” Peter gave Isaac a sharp glance before holding his hand out to Derek.


“Well, I’m not shopping with my own money. He’s your pup.”

Derek pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and handed over one of his credit cards. “If you max it out, I’m going to make a bold mess out of you.”

Isaac tugged at Peter’s arm before things had a chance to escalate. He could really use a new sweater and a pair of boots. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back by one!”

Derek grunted as he watched Isaac run down the stairs. It sucked that he couldn’t kill Peter now. It seemed like Isaac had found a use for him.

teen wolf slash, beacon hills eye clinic

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