Nov 13, 2006 03:46
eh..yet again I can't fall I can't wait to be in my own bed come Friday. I probably shouldn't write much b/c the sound of my keyboard might wake up sue..but w/e..
I have class at 8..therefore, I need to be up by 7:10 the lastest...yay 3 hours of sleep..if I'm lucky..I need to go turn in my math journal..I can't fail this class, I'm getting a low C already...
and worst part is I can't take a nap b/c I have to write the rest of my english paper [[the one I was gonna right saturday...well, sometime this weekend]] then I don't get outta my last class til this week is gonna drag..I can feel it.
i can't wait to be home..I miss my mom and my I never admit that I miss my dad..
I'm getting a new digital camera for my birthday/christmas present from my mom and bill..well thats what I'm gonna ask for from them..
I guess I should try sleeping..
maybe I should start taking sleeping pills..even though I'm totally against it..this no sleeping phase has got to stop.
I can't wait til next semester.