state of awake/sleep.

Nov 13, 2006 12:19

Well I didn't get to sleep til 5:30AM and when my alarm went off at 7AM, I pulled a whitney and yelled, "hell to the no!" and went back to sleep. I missed my first two classes. sucks, but eh, thats life..I really need to break outta this non-sleeping habit. I miss Gerry, I feel like we are at different schools on different continents. Thank god for tridelta though, w/o those girls I wouldn't be doing nething on the weekends.
I have to write this paper on fast food and obesity, I changed my topic to that b/c I'm a badass.
eh I just got goosebumps..I'm gonna write my paper till one and if I'm not done by then I'm gonna fuck it and not go to english and finish writing the paper and tell my teacher I was actually really sick..I've never missed the class and I'm probably the only one she trusts to get the work in.
oh livejournal, I love you. I really think I'm gonna start writing in you more and more.
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