can we fake it? can we make-believe? I'm so full of deeply sickens me.
Step 1: Press button.
Step 2: Get bacon.
Step 3: Eat bacon.
I'm done. I'm gonna dance in my underwear..and I don't care who knows it!
Makes no difference what group I'm in. I am everyday people.
so I have decided I want to spend a summer in China...probably next summer. I based this mostly on the crazy gross foods they have there. They are so funny..oh asians.
In the Americas, corn is a staple grain; in Asia, it is a stand-alone taste sensation. Examples: corn-flavored caramel candy, the Corn Cup side-dish at McDonald's, and this delicious, unnaturally corn-pungent corn-flavored corn-shaped ice cream bar. Price: US$.13
As with corn, dairy products aren't a dietary staple in much of Asia, and cheese is a commonly-cited Chinese horror food...and I hate cheese. so good.
But one thing the whole world can agree upon is that nobody wants the chilli-flavored jellyfish.
We are truly lucky to live in this century, my friends. As a celebration of having been born into the Golden Age of snacks, and such. plus..I decided I could pack 2 one I shall fill with glorious regular oatmeal and peanut butter and the other clothes..but leave room to buy more clothes and shoes. I currently am obsessed with a Hong Kong shoe company called Staccato. Mmm yes. hah and pus when I go to China next summer I will be skinnier. Diets suck, but as of late I have been doing awesomely..I used to never talk about my weight or what not..and I know a lot of people hate the subject but now that its obvious that I have lost weight since last year I'm not gonna be all quiet about it around my friends b/c I don't need anyone thinking I have an eating disorder, silently shrinking, thats just not cool. And blah blah blah I know what you guys are gonna say, but I have to be happy with myself first. So pass the assorted stuff, please!
oh and the final degree of initiation for tridelta is 2morrow..I'll finally be a real member..also 2morrow I plan on writing my English paper rough draft, its about eating disorders fittingly enough. It's due Monday, final Wednesday. And I have to turn in my History book report by Wednesday. THEN: HOME FRIDAY FOR BREAK! HANG OUT WITH ME PLEASE!
#1-708-439-6759so I wrote this huge post about this weekend and why no1 should buy reduced fat peanut butter and then lj maybe I'll rewrite my awesome post about pb later this week...