May 25, 2009 04:08

3:56:58 AM: Flaming_Du: HOLY SHIT
3:57:16 AM: Flaming_Du: this flat orange crush tastes like fucking medicine and shit
3:57:35 AM: Flaming_Du: i am sick of my life and i amd rinking hose curvo black
3:57:38 AM: Flaming_Du: i men jose
3:57:44 AM: Flaming_Du: you know why they call jose ho-say
3:57:51 AM: Flaming_Du: because fucing mexicans fucke dverything up
3:57:55 AM: Flaming_Du: think baout t right
3:57:56 AM: Flaming_Du: ho say
3:57:57 AM: Flaming_Du: jose
3:58:06 AM: Flaming_Du: they turned our white women into dick-starved whores
3:58:18 AM: Flaming_Du: they usedt o be happy just washing shit and making dinner in the colonial cabins
3:58:32 AM: Flaming_Du: do you know why? because men don't want to fucking be around their wives/girlfriends 24 hours a day
3:58:39 AM: Flaming_Du: sure we love them we love the shit out of them in afct
3:58:43 AM: Flaming_Du: but not 24 fucking hours a day
3:58:52 AM: Flaming_Du: we need caveman time
3:58:57 AM: Flaming_Du: let s fucking brood and be alone
3:58:58 AM: Flaming_Du: god damn
3:59:02 AM: Flaming_Du: is it so complicated
3:59:12 AM: Flaming_Du: and so who else is to blame? niggers obviously
3:59:19 AM: Flaming_Du: seriously thnk about this shit
3:59:22 AM: Flaming_Du: who sold blacks out? other blacks
3:59:34 AM: Flaming_Du: yeah the fucking african tribes sold their own tribesman for white people money
3:59:42 AM: Flaming_Du: so who is to blame now?
3:59:56 AM: Flaming_Du: the white people who were impoverished and struggling or the niggers who sold out their niggers for money
4:00:03 AM: Flaming_Du: and what's the lesson? greed breeds immorality
4:00:10 AM: Flaming_Du: and why did they want white man money? power and technology
4:00:15 AM: Flaming_Du: and why? to impress black bitches
4:00:18 AM: Flaming_Du: so what's up with that
4:00:23 AM: Flaming_Du: black people want money and power to get women
4:00:28 AM: Flaming_Du: while whites just wanted to survive
4:00:31 AM: Flaming_Du: who's more down to earth now
4:00:49 AM: Flaming_Du: so all you niggers out there, quit fucking blaming MY ANCESTORS for trying to survive and blame YOUR ancestors for selling your other acestors out
4:00:54 AM: Flaming_Du: but what's that tell you?
4:01:12 AM: Flaming_Du: it says your entire ancestral line is fucked up, whos to say if you were the greedy nigger ancestory blood who wanted money and pussy
4:01:18 AM: Flaming_Du: or the niggers who got stepped all over and sold
4:01:35 AM: Flaming_Du: but no, go for the fucking pity card and pretend EVERY BLACK EVER WAS FUCKNG OPPRESSED
4:01:47 AM: Flaming_Du: and why are there still stupdi faggots who think niggers should be slaves
4:01:56 AM: Flaming_Du: simple because of fuckng IN BREEDING and who do we have to thankf or that
4:01:58 AM: Flaming_Du: britain
4:02:00 AM: Flaming_Du: yeah, britian
4:02:03 AM: Flaming_Du: and the royal fucking family
4:02:06 AM: Flaming_Du: and their inbreeding bullshit
4:02:20 AM: Flaming_Du: don'a act like they didn't do it
4:02:22 AM: Flaming_Du: or still dont
4:02:25 AM: Flaming_Du: but i'll be fair
4:02:41 AM: Flaming_Du: if i had a choice between fucking a chick worth fifty billion euros and i was worty ninty billion euros
4:02:45 AM: Flaming_Du: or some chick who works at a bread shop
4:02:59 AM: Flaming_Du: well, actually, i'd go for the bread shop chick because she probablh as an interesting life and is a wonderful girl
4:03:15 AM: Flaming_Du: but if i was raised that money is the only thing htat matters i would fuck the money chick ina bed made of silk and mink fur while drunk as shit
4:03:26 AM: Flaming_Du: so i can't BLAME them too much for that but they are responsible
4:03:37 AM: Flaming_Du: and where did colonized america comef rom? yeah take a guess, thanks europe
4:03:45 AM: Flaming_Du: oh wait americans are fat? okay, thanks for sending over the best ones first then
4:03:48 AM: Flaming_Du: you fucking dykes
4:04:03 AM: Flaming_Du: and white people? they're a bunch of no-dance no-sing no-game crackers
4:04:07 AM: Flaming_Du: who can't do shit
4:04:17 AM: Flaming_Du: except work on computers and drink coke zero
4:04:37 AM: Flaming_Du: because they are too busy watching american idol worrying about their commercialized hollywood cosmetic appearance instead of their inward spiritualistic integrity
4:04:55 AM: Flaming_Du: so they sell it out for some cheap tawdry bullshit and then black people look at us like we have money and are oppressing them
4:05:15 AM: Flaming_Du: meanwhile women are fucking black people because they don't want to wash dishes and make dinner WELL WH TEHF CUSK IS GOING TO DO IT THEN
4:05:24 AM: Flaming_Du: it isn't like it's demeaning, you are FEEDING SUSTINEENCE TO YOUR FAMILY
4:05:35 AM: Flaming_Du: you are the reason they fucking live and have clean clothes and don't get bacterial infections
4:05:38 AM: Flaming_Du: how the fuck is that a BAD THING
4:05:42 AM: Flaming_Du: that's a fucking compliment
4:05:43 AM: Flaming_Du: and why
4:05:47 AM: Flaming_Du: because men SUCK SHIT AT IT
4:05:52 AM: Flaming_Du: we are the ones who use the guns and kILL SHIT
4:05:54 AM: Flaming_Du: THAT IS WHAT WE'RE GOOD AT
4:06:06 AM: Flaming_Du: so clean the goddamn clothes make the goddamn food and be happy with what you fucking have
4:06:25 AM: Flaming_Du: instead of whining because your neighbor's dick is bigger and then going to fuck him and i have to kill both of you and mount your heads on my goddamn fireplace
4:06:37 AM: Flaming_Du: this has been Antonio James Salbato, beligerantly drunk, and pissed off at the world
4:06:39 AM: Flaming_Du: good night
4:06:41 AM: Flaming_Duck falls into a coma
4:06:55 AM: Flaming_Du: uck wait
4:07:02 AM: Flaming_Du: antonio james salbato THE SECOND
4:07:03 AM: Flaming_Du: BITCH
4:07:05 AM: Flaming_Du: THAT'S RIGHT
4:07:10 AM: Flaming_Du: YOU WHORES

fuck black peole fuck mexicans and fuck mos white people fuck everybody i'm the best FUCK YEAH
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