Apr 29, 2009 08:49
I just read your article about buying drugs online, and honestly I found it to be the single most well-written, informative, oft-chortle-inducing pieces I've read in ages.
If I had a machine that could kick people's asses at any point on the face of the planet at my given whim, I'd totally deface every single person in your life that stands in your way of owning your own magazine--I'd rather subscribe to something you manage and operate than any of the tripe pedantisism I see on the shelves at Target on a near-daily basis. Hey guys, here's 50 new sex tips from Cosmo because the human body contains this many ways to reach climax.
Bottom line, you are a badass, and if I could skull-fuck anybody who says otherwise, I'd probably de-virginize half the planet's population's faces. But I digress.
As an author, I sincerely hope you continue writing for the rest of your life. The written word is the shit, and to everybody who continues to go see the worthless hollywood garbage lavishly vomit-glazed over with CGI in the absence of story or coherency, I say this:
Rock on.
Just a letter I sent to someone who wrote a cool article.