Jan 02, 2010 05:09
I've read 52 books this year - a far cry from the 100 I was aiming for but still none-to-shabby and nothing to sneeze at. Had I kept at my original pace it would have ended differently - I'd read 22 books by the end of March - but alas, things come up. Most books I get to read anymore are done on cd in my car during my work commute. Sure helps when you don't have as much free time to devote to reading. Yay audio books! (though sometimes the voice-actors can be somewhat distracting)
I hope this year is better in many ways, mostly just as the last was not the happiest ever. Seems like this was a theme for a lot of people I know, though, so I wonder if things just go in cycles like that. Should be interesting to see.
On the subject of writing, I've been getting a bit more done lately, but of course the things I want to/are inspired to write are never the ones I'm writing at the time. (Though a lot of that depends on mood - if I'm in an angsty mood and the piece I'm working on is in a happy scene I'll often switch stories if I have something else in the works that fits better at the moment.)
So I started a new KakaSaku, which was supposed to be a drabble and is now sitting pretty at 5,000 words and still has a ways to go. Right now I'm just hoping I can keep it as a one-shot. Then I'm behind on the MirSanta, but I blame that on having to start late (dern concussion) but mostly on the fact that it just...won't...end! I'm at 7,000 words right now with a ways to go still. I've decided I'm just too danged wordy and can't write succinctly to save my life. Gah. I just hope this one - especially being a gift fic - comes out alright in the end and does feel wordy. Meh, guess we'll just see.
It's 5am. I'm going to go to bed now.
Anyhow, I'm hoping all you lovelies had a great first day of the new year and pray you'll have many blessings in the 351 left to go ^_^