Hospitals are not good places to spend your holidays...

Dec 17, 2009 01:50

...just in case any of you weren't already aware of that fact. I am now concussed, embarrassed, and thoroughly behind on all my Christmas shopping and other holiday endeavors.

Oh the joy of the season, :-Þ

Random tangent No. 1: I'm trying to finalize my fanart noms for the Feudal Association (I'm far too behind on fanfic reading to even attempt those) but I have entirely too many to choose from in each category, since this is the first time I actually had the time to put together a nom list. How on earth am I supposed to choose from all these wonderful arts? Honestly, I don't know how you people do it.

Random tangent No. 2: Just finished watching the finale of So You Think You Can Dance - recorded it while I was at work. I couldn't believe how happy I was at the fact that Russell won. I mean, I'd been hoping he'd win, but I was cheering and nearly crying I was so excited for him. I just love how he's such an innately happy person - well, from what we've seen of course - and he's a crumper for goodness sake! Talk about your contradictions! That's such an angry dance style and he just has this inner joy that shines through in everything he does. I simply love it. So yes, I was squeeing like the fangirl I apparently am, but this world just needs more joy ^_^

fangirling, real life

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