People are retarded + MiroSanta

Jan 09, 2010 06:01

Sometimes I forget just how rude, inconsiderate, messy, and generally boorish people can be, and then it all happens at one time to slap me in the face and I wanna punch some people bad. Needless to say work tonight wasn't fabulous, haha.

But seriously, I mean - my store is not your living room. Don't sit down in the middle of the freaking aisle to read a smut magazine you're not going to buy, and I now won't be able to sell because it's open and likely sticky. (Read: ick) Especially don't sit down, lean against one of my displays, and kick off your sneakers. Heels I can understand, those mothers hurt, but sneakers and socks? Come on, that's just nasty. I don't want to be smelling your feet funk every time I go to put a book away.

And don't even get me started on the slobs. Yes, there are typically people who will put books anywhere and everywhere except where they go (read: on top of the book next to it on the table instead of its own stack. Is it really that hard?) but tonight was just absurd, like every single person with anti-neatness disease came in at once.

No wonder the planet is trashed, right?

On another brilliant note, I went to the doctor today and it seems I still have a bit of a concussion. (post concussion syndrome ftw!) Seriously, I'm such a dork. Who else does this? haha.

On a much more positive note, I finally finished my MiroSanta project (after getting a week extension on it - yikes!) It was written for zigsa/Milareppa, who gave no specific prompts, but when I stalked her LJ I saw wanting for some teamwork action so I tried to throw that in. Unsure how successful that turned out, but I had fun regardless. The ending is a bit cheesy, but hey, it's me. *insert corny grin here*

So read at your own peril ^_-
Short summary: With Inuyasha and Kagome dead down the well, the rest of the group set out on a trek that has them facing demons of all kinds. Mir/San yay!
Word count: 15k

Edit: I changed the end a bit to make it just a bit less cheesy. While I'm normally all about that, the tone seemed a disconnect. So it's slightly altered, but if anyone read it before and thinks  the other version was better feel free to let me know.

Disclaimer: the above summary is to be read in deference to my snarky work-mood and not to be taken seriously, most especially since there isn't a 'snarky' mood icon.

mir/san, fanfiction, work, real life, inuyasha

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