title: a million flames
flameandignite aka moi!
characters: jack/anamaria, anamaria, jack sparrow
summary: he never knew dancing could be so beautiful
wordcount: 145
rating: g
disclaimer: i don't own pirates and if i did, the films would have either stopped after cotbp or just centered itself altogether on jack sparrow and jack sparrow along, with a nice finishing touch of anamaria by his side :-) OTP!
author's notes: there's so much jack/anamaria here, it's oozing through the pages, lol. i couldn't help myself. this is for
potc100's drabble challenge.
The music was intoxicating; the drums from the island natives had caught his attention long before anything else had. Anamaria had departed him when she'd heard the start of the beats, excited to hear music so familiar to her ears.
She'd gone off running and he hadn't bothered trying to keep up with her. He stepped to the beat, the ferocity picking up with each step. The torches lit his path along the coast and he'd found the end of the path. A million flames circled a million swaying legs and arms as they shifted from right to left.
He spotted her. He smiled.
He never knew dancing could be so beautiful.
Anamaria spun in a circle, her head thrown back and her mouth open wide. She laughed a dizzy intoxicating laugh and moved her hips from left to right as the beat quickened.