May (computer, lilacs, wasps, KOTOR)

May 31, 2014 11:39

I got a new computer this spring, did I mention, and so of course it runs Windows 8. Or to be precise, 8.1. Took me a couple of hours to arrange things so I could actually use them, and there's still some stuff that annoys me no end. But the way it keeps talking about apps instead of programs makes me want to pat it on the head and say there there, you're very cool when you do that, I'm sure you can be a phone when you grow up, dear. I mean, I get how hard it is to keep up with what's trendy and new. It takes me a few years to catch up, too.

It's lilac season, and the whole world smells wonderful. I could just sit on my balcony all day, because the wind makes the scent waft up from the bushes outside the house, but then I'd miss all the other lilacs that are out there. (Today is May 25, but I never actually wear lilacs then. I mean, I wasn't there.)

It's also wasp-killing season, which has less wonder and poetry about it, but I had a wasp nest above the balcony some years ago and I'd like to avoid that ever happening again. Not a big fan of wasps, me.

I guess I should finish and post this before I run out of May to do it in. (My previous post, on May 3? Was supposed to be in April.) Today is Ascension, also known around here as Christ Aviator, and it's sunny but rather cool and very windy. Perfect kite-flying weather, but no one seems to be taking advantage of it. Bad picnic weather, though, the kind where the people on the next blanket over end up wearing half your food.

Since my last post, I've started playing KOTOR, thanks to a certain persistent enabler of my acquaintance, and so far it's fun but very slow going. (Because there's no highlight-usable-items toggle, so I have to look and look and look at everything because what if I miss some loot ohnoes.) Am also wondering when and how I came to play the first couple of levels of Machinarium, because I recognize them very clearly in the trailer. Maybe there was a demo or something.

Story now approaching 82k words and I'm taking a break by trying to fill a kinkmeme prompt. Which I guess means I'm still stuck in DA as a fandom, though I'm not really sure where the DA fandom, as such, is. Or any fandom, really. I read a bit on dw, I read a very tiny bit on lj, I look at stuff on tumblr, but I don't really feel at home anywhere, though dw comes closest.

Okay, okay, June is breathing down the back of my neck, post already!

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kotor, games, life

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