writing, plants, games, memories of dreams

May 03, 2014 14:06

I'm so easily influenced when it comes to tenses -- when I read a lot in present tense while I'm writing a story in past, I start mentally plotting out sentences and phrases, and then when I go back to my story I'm confused because they don't sound good any more. Because things that feel right in present tense can turn out just wacky in past tense, or vice versa. (Seriously. Try to rewrite one of your scenes in a different tense and you'll see what I mean. (Or maybe you won't. Maybe I'm just fussy like that.)) I tend to default to past tense, it's where I'm most comfortable, but some fandoms are very present-tense-y. Sometimes I'll start a story in present, all swept away by how nifty it seems, until I get to a part that just refuses to behave in present, it wants to be past, so there, and depending on how crucial it is to the whole narrative, I might have to go back and rewrite everything. Not just change the tenses, actually rewrite the story -- usually just on the sentence level, sometimes more radically. (See: fussy.) I've noticed that people who-- Okay, I spent a lot of time trying to come up with a tactful way to phrase this. Not infrequently, stories switch to present tense in sex scenes, and I'd like to think that this is a deliberate choice, a way of expressing immediacy, a way of describing a moment out of time (well, more than a moment, one hopes), but mostly I think it's a sign that I'm reading the wrong story.

I thought I'd spend some time this spring finishing stuff, so I picked an easy little PWP to work on and figured it would take me a week or so. It's about 49k 52k 57k 62k at the moment. I think I've forgotten what PWP means. It worked out okay with fortune, but that might have been because most of that was already either written or planned out. This story, which could really use a name, was just supposed to be Varel and m!Andras having some sex heigh ho, because the Orlesian wardens have a Thing for Varel that can be described as a list of kinkmeme prompts, really. I'm not sure what happened. I keep saying this story has no plot, but it obviously has something. I figured I needed some stuff to go between (sex) scene A and (more sex) scene B, and it kind of took over. I blame Varel for being so dutiful.

The sweet pea and nasturtium seeds that I planted last week haven't come up yet. I'm glaring at you in a very annoyed manner, seeds. Also sneezing, but I blame the pollen for that.

Does anyone happen to have any recs for good games? This is a plea for help from someone with very specific needs (and also a short attention span). I've really enjoyed the DA games (this is probably obvious by now), and I'd like to branch out a bit. The thing is, I have pretty crappy hand function, particularly when it comes to speed and coordination. I can't do things fast, at all, and I vastly prefer keyboard controls to using the mouse for most things. The reason I've been able to get into the DA games is their lovely pause function -- I hit the space bar (which is nice and big and easy to find), I look around, I figure out what to do next, whether it's the middle of combat or just another day in the neighborhood. Also the whole looking around thing is pretty effortless. By contrast, I tried playing Oblivion, and could not handle the controls at all, and kept being eaten by rats, which was extremely disheartening. So. Does anyone have any recs for good games that can be played in a non-stressful manner by a very slow player? The pause function is crucial, here, if it's games that involve hitting or shooting at anything. But I'm fine with games that don't involve any violence whatsoever. Before I got into people hitting stuff with swords, my favorite games were more along the Myst series line -- slow and thoughtful. (Obviously, multiplayer games are right out, on account of how it's really hard to pause other people.)

*snicker* I was dusting a little just now, and got distracted, which easily happens when one is dusting, and I flipped open a notebook to see that it was an ancient dream diary I used to keep. On the page I opened it to, I had written down a dream that started, "[Name] was visiting my parents' house and talking to my father in the kitchen, while..." There was another note below it, in a different pen but quite clearly my own handwriting of some years later, that said, "Who the hell was [name]?"

Still no idea.

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games, dream a little dream, writing

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