toil and trouble

Mar 28, 2010 22:34, my home on the web, disappeared a week and a half ago, or so. And now it's mostly back, but not my corner of it. I'm pretty sure it will be all the way back, including my site, but the lack of website (and the email that goes with it) made me think sensible thoughts about backups and stuff.

So, now there is this:

the flambeau factory at

which feels very sneaky somehow. *sneaksneak* I also have a plan to get stuff up on ao3. (They can't all go poof at the same time, right?) I just don't seem to be able to get started, somehow.

In other news, I've been all faint and woebegone since round about Christmas. This is cutting down on my fannish participation a bit. (No, more than usual. No, really.) But I'm fannish in my head. :)
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