I can't think of anything clever

Apr 24, 2010 10:38

Ow, I have a hangover. A Doctor Who hangover. A Who-over. I've watched s1-4 of DW over the past five days, and it seemed like a sensible choice at the time, but now I feel distinctly over-Whoed and not at all inclined to go on with the specials and s5, which was the real point of the whole thing. Oh well.

(See, I'm having trouble adjusting to Eleven, so I thought I'd 1, remind myself of what the Nine-to-Ten switch was like and 2, work up to Eleven gradually. Unfortunately, what I was reminded of was that the Nine-to-Ten adjustment took about ten minutes, and as to working up gradually, right now I'm worried that any more will make my head explode. Which would be awkward.)

I've had a great time with the watching, though. I had the idea that I could stop now and then and write a post about it, talk about all those little details and this bit here and that bit there that I particularly love, but somehow it seemed much more important to move on to the next episode. Now it's all a big shiny blur in my head.

I like this meme: Name 5 characters you think would have a good time hanging out with you and your friends - in your world, not theirs.

1, Jack Harkness. This is totally stolen from copracat; I saw her post and I think she's completely right. If there is a good time to be had, Jack will have it, and if there isn't a good time to be had, he will make it happen. I'm only a bit concerned because most of my close friends are happily married.

2, Vince Tyler. See above re: DW marathon.

3, ...see, this is where I run into trouble already. It's not that I think I'm boring, it's just... okay, I do think I'm kinda boring. Also I have anxious hostess syndrome. I'm sitting here actually worrying about how I would entertain fictional people to keep them from getting restless.

Maybe this wasn't the right meme for me. Or maybe this wasn't the right time for this meme, because right now I don't feel as though I could entertain a potato. What I need is a bit of DW detox. Also, to do the dishes.
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